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Troubleshooting and things to know about CRM for phones express


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

The following are known limitations and known issues with CRM for phones express.

Error code: 800c0019

If you get error code 800c0019 when you try to log in to your Microsoft account while using the CRM for phones express app, chances are that you have the wrong date and time settings on your Windows 8 phone. This can occur after updating your Windows 8 phone, removing and replacing the battery, or after a time change.

In most cases, your phone’s date and time is set automatically by your mobile operator. If it’s not, you need to set it manually so you can log in to your Microsoft account successfully. Here’s how:

  1. On Start, flick left to the App list and choose Settings.

  2. Choose Date+time.

  3. Turn off Set automatically.

  4. Set the correct values for Time zone, Date, and Time.

Windows Server 2012 R2 required for multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM (on-premises) mobile apps

For on-premises deployments, Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application and mobile clients are capable of multi-factor authentication (MFA) using Windows Server 2012 R2 or another authentication provider that supports MFA. Using MFA can help make client authentication more secure.

Notice that using MFA requires that the device, operating system, and web browser are all MFA-capable. We recommend that you thoroughly test your MFA-capable devices running Microsoft Dynamics CRM to verify that your environment works correctly before deploying in a production environment. More information: Overview: Manage Risk with Additional Multi-Factor Authentication for Sensitive Applications.

Redirected URLs do not work when you configure CRM for tablets or CRM for phones express

URLs that redirect, such as IIS host headers or link-shortening websites such as tinyurl or bitly, do not work when you use the URL in the CRM web address field with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets or CRM for phones during configuration.

For example, an host header for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM (on-premises) website URL that is actually, will not work and will display an error message. To work around this behavior, you must enter the actual web address for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization or Microsoft Dynamics CRM server (on-premises).When this issue occurs and you have enabled logging, the information logged is similar to the following. Notice that the URLs in lines 2 and 3 are different. That difference indicates a redirected URL.

  1. User entered URL: https://URL_entered

  2. Constructed server URL: https://URL_after_CRMforTablets_processing

  3. HTTP Response location: https://URL_that_the_response_came_from

To enable logging, see Enable tracing for CRM for tablets.

Changes in the web application aren’t changed in CRM for phones express

For Windows Phone users, changes made in the web application may not immediately appear when you use Windows Phone. To force the change to appear in Windows Phone:

  • For organization settings such as customization changes, clear the cache on your Windows Phone by tapping the gear icon and then tapping clear local cache.

    Organization settings are commonly managed using Microsoft Dynamics CRM > Settings > Administration.

  • For user settings changes such as language settings, you must uninstall and reinstall Windows Phone.

    User settings are commonly managed by clicking the gear icon > Options.

See Also

Things to know about CRM for phones and tablets
Set up and manage phones and tablets
CRM for tablets and phones

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