
Recovers a backup catalog for the local computer from a storage location.


       [-BackupTarget] <WBBackupTarget>


The Restore-WBCatalog cmdlet recovers a backup catalog for the local computer from a storage location that you specify.

If the location (disk, DVD, or remote shared folder) where you store your backups is damaged or lost and you cannot use it to restore the backup catalog, use the Remove-WBCatalog cmdlet to delete the corrupted catalog. Then, create a new backup after the cmdlet finishes deleting your backup catalog.


Example 1: Restore a backup catalog

PS C:\> Restore-WBCatalog -BackupTarget $Bt -Force
3 backups found in the specified target.
WARNING: The backup information on this location has details of backups created
up to 12/8/2011 11:41:38 AM. You may not be able to access backups created
after this date when the catalog recovery operation completes.
The catalog has been successfully recovered.

This command recovers the backup catalog from the backup target in the variable named $Bt. The cmdlet displays a warning that gives details about the backups present in the backup target. The cmdlet also displays a message that confirms that it has successfully recovered the catalog.



Specifies a backup target object that contains the storage location where backups from which the cmdlet restores the catalog reside.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates that the cmdlet recovers the catalog without prompting you for confirmation. By default, the cmdlet prompts you for confirmation before it proceeds.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


WBBackupTarget, SwitchParameter

Specifies a backup target object from which to restore the catalog. Use the Force parameter to suppress the confirmation message.



Specifies a warning that gives details about the backups present in the backup target and a message that confirms that the cmdlet successfully recovered the catalog.