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Setting the Security Mode

Setting the Security Mode

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The security mode for workflow is set on the ProcessDefinition object. The Mode Property of the IProcessDefinition Interface tells the workflow engine the mode in which you want the workflow to execute. In Restricted Mode, you are not able to use Component Object Model (COM) objects in the ActionTable, or to create objects in memory from script. In Privileged Mode, you can use COM objects in the ActionTable and coCreate almost any object in script. If you do not set the Mode Property, it defaults to zero (0), which is neither restricted nor privileged. Your application will not run with a zero value for the mode property. You must set the security mode explicitly.

The Workflow System Account needs to have sufficient privileges in the workflow folder. If you register events for the workflow folder, provide at least read privileges. If the workflow event sink will make changes to the folder contents, the Workflow System Account requires read and write privileges in the folder.

The topics in this section discuss the security modes and how the workflow event sink enforces security.

Workflow Security Modes

Privilege Checking

WorkflowSession Item Security

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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