TechNet Magazine: August 2010
ff898411(v=msdn.10).md | Editor’s Note: Cloudy with a Chance of E-mail By Lafe Low Forward-thinking companies continue to grapple with the realities of moving to the cloud. For every benefit comes a concern, for every answer a question. There are myriad considerations to resolve before actually pulling the plug on local storage and local hosting. Is cloud-based e-mail secure? How will I control access? Will I have access to e-mail archives? What happens if the hosting provider goes out of business or suffers a catastrophic failure? What’s my back-up plan? Read more… | |
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Exchange Queue&A: Focus on Exchange Server 2010 SP1 The first service pack for Exchange Server 2010 is scheduled for official release later this year, but it’s already generating lots of questions and comments.
Windows Confidential: Hiding in Plain Sight How do you prevent Windows Explorer from showing files to which a user shouldn’t have access? Try these tips to keep someone from your hidden files.
Windows PowerShell: Responding to WMI Events Tracking, notifying and responding to system-level events is something Windows does well, but you can also do that with Windows PowerShell. |
The Cable Guy: The New and Improved Network Policy Server Some major improvements to NPS in Windows Server 2008 R2 provide for much better templates and network access accounting.
Toolbox: New Products for IT Professionals You can download CSVs and transfer the data into a database, copy batches of files and securely manage files with the utilities in this month’s toolbox. |
Utility Spotlight: Windows Easy Transfer for Windows 7 This utility helps you transfer old files and settings like user accounts, browser settings and application settings when migrating users from Windows XP to Windows 7.
Geek of All Trades: The Troubleshooting Singularity Advances in technology could have a huge impact on how you do your job—and even the very nature of your job itself. |