Schedule Report Jobs


You can schedule the FPSMC reports to be sent by email to a specified list of recipients. Reports are sent as .MHT archive files and can be viewed using Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Outlook®, and other Microsoft products. The Scheduled Reports job sends the Incident Detection report, Spam Detection report, Engine and Definition Versions report, and New Servers report to the specified recipients. For more information about reports, see Viewing and Managing Reports.

To create a Schedule Reports job

  1. Click Jobs, located in the Navigation Area under Job Management, to open the Jobs work pane.

  2. Select Schedule Report Jobs in the Jobs list.

  3. Click Create. The Schedule Report Job pane opens.

  4. Enter a name for the job in the Job Name field.

  5. To configure the job to run on a set schedule, select the Schedule job box and indicate the frequency, start date, and start time. If you leave the Schedule job selection cleared, you must manually run the job.


    Scheduled report jobs should not be scheduled at exactly the same time.

  6. Enter the email addresses of anyone who should receive the reports in the E-mail Recipients field and click Add. Repeat this step for additional email addresses. For each email address you can choose to Edit, Delete, and Test the address. To change the email address click Edit, make your changes, and then click Update.

  7. Optionally, you can change the default text in the E-mail Subject and E-mail Body fields. By default, the subject line of the email will be Microsoft Forefront Protection Server Management Console Schedule Report and the message body will be This is an auto e-mail from Microsoft Forefront Protection Server Management Console Schedule Report. Please do not reply to this message.

  8. Click Next. The Scheduled Reports pane opens.

  9. Under Select Products you can choose to include only Exchange servers, only SharePoint servers, or both in the report. By default, both Exchange servers and SharePoint servers are included.

  10. Select the time interval for the report under Time Interval. You can choose to run the report for an interval of one day, one week, or one month. The default value is one week.

  11. Select the servers you wish to include in the report. By default, no servers are selected.


    If you select only one of the two available products, only those managed servers will appear in the Select Servers list. For example, if you select to only include SharePoint products in the reports, only your managed SharePoint servers will appear in the Select Servers list.

  12. Click Finish to complete the job configuration. The job will immediately appear under the Schedule Report Jobs node in the Jobs list.

Once you have created a Scheduled Reports job you can edit it, copy it, delete it, run it, and check its status.