PsList v1.41
By Mark Russinovich
Published: March 30, 2023
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Parameter | Description |
pslist exp | Show statistics for all the processes that start with "exp", which would include Explorer. |
-d | Show thread detail. |
-m | Show memory detail. |
-x | Show processes, memory information and threads. |
-t | Show process tree. |
-s [n] | Run in task-manager mode, for optional seconds specified. Press Escape to abort. |
-r n | Task-manager mode refresh rate in seconds (default is 1). |
\\computer | Instead of showing process information for the local system, PsList will show information for the NT/Win2K system specified. Include the -u switch with a username and password to login to the remote system if your security credentials do not permit you to obtain performance counter information from the remote system. |
-u | Specifies optional user name for login to remote computer. |
-p | This option lets you specify the login password on the command line so that you can use PsList from batch files. If you specify an account name and omit the -p option PsList prompts you interactively for a password. |
name | Show information about processes that begin with the name specified. |
-e | Exact match the process name. |
pid | Instead of listing all the running processes in the system, this parameter narrows PsList's scan to the process that has the specified PID. Thus: pslist 53 would dump statistics for the process with the PID 53. |
Like Windows NT/2K's built-in PerfMon monitoring tool, PsList uses the Windows NT/2K performance counters to obtain the information it displays. You can find documentation for Windows NT/2K performance counters, including the source code to Windows NT's built-in performance monitor, PerfMon, in MSDN.
All memory values are displayed in KB.
- Pri: Priority
- Thd: Number of Threads
- Hnd: Number of Handles
- VM: Virtual Memory
- WS: Working Set
- Priv: Private Virtual Memory
- Priv Pk: Private Virtual Memory Peak
- Faults: Page Faults
- NonP: Non-Paged Pool
- Page: Paged Pool
- Cswtch: Context Switches
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PsList is part of a growing kit of Sysinternals command-line tools that aid in the administration of local and remote systems named PsTools.
Runs on:
- Client: Windows 8.1 and higher.
- Server: Windows Server 2012 and higher.