Disable Active Desktop
User Configuration\AdministrativeTemplates\Desktop\Active Desktop
Disables Active Desktop and prevents users from enabling it.
This policy also removes the Active Desktop item from the context menu that appears when you right-click the desktop; it removes the Web tab from Display in Control Panel; and it disables the Enable Web content on my desktop item on the General tab of the Folder Options dialog box. This prevents users from trying to enable or disable Active Desktop while a policy controls it.
If you disable this policy or do not configure it, Active Desktop is disabled by default, but users can enable it.
If both the Enable Active Desktop policy and the Disable Active Desktop policy are enabled, the Disable Active Desktop policy is ignored. If the Enable Classic Shell policy (in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer) is enabled, then Active Desktop is disabled and both of these policies are ignored.
To make changes to this policy effective, you must log off of Windows 2000 and then log on again. (The Explain tab in Group Policy fails to mention this requirement.)
To disable Active Desktop without setting a policy, right-click the desktop, point to Active Desktop , and then turn off Show Web Content .
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