How to Replace the Certificate for a VMware VirtualCenter Server
Applies To: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1
If a security certificate for a VMware VirtualCenter server expires, or a self-signed certificate is replaced by a third-party CA Certificate, you must update the configuration in VMware VirtualCenter and in Virtual Machine Manager. The following procedure explains the changes that are required.
To replace the current VMware VirtualCenter self-signed certificate with a new self-signed or third-party CA certificate in VMware VirtualCenter, follow the instructions in the VMware Infrastructure SDK Developer’s Setup Guide, which is available on the VMware Infrastructure SDK Support and Resource site (
After replacing the certificate on the VirtualCenter server, run the following Windows PowerShell cmdlets on the VMM server, where is the FQDN of the VirtualCenter server:
$Virtman = Get-virtualizationmanager –computername “” $Cert = Get-certificate –computername “” Set-VirtualizationManager –VirtualizationManager -$VirtMan –Certificate $Cert
Security certificates can only be updated from the command line.