Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1
Aplica-se a: Windows 8.1, Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows Server 2012 R2
This topic lists the Windows PowerShell® modules included with Windows Server® 2012 R2 and Windows® 8,1. The Usando o Windows PowerShell modules in the list support automating the features of those operating systems and provide links to the cmdlet references for each module. These modules enable you to use Usando o Windows PowerShell to administer, maintain, configure, and develop new features for and Windows Server 2012 R2.
Previous Versions If you are looking for help for modules that were included with previous versions of Windows PowerShell or the Windows Server or Windows Client operating systems, see Previous Versions of Windows PowerShell Module Help.
The table below also shows the latest published version of the Help for each module. The Help is available in the TechNet Library through the links below, or as Updatable Help files. Updatable Help was introduced with Windows PowerShell 3.0 and enables you to have the latest Help topics available locally on your computer. See about_Updatable_Help for more information.
Module Name (sorted by) | Title and link to Web version |
ActiveDirectory |
Active Directory Directory Services Administration (AD DS) Cmdlets |
ADCSAdministration |
Active Directory Certificate Services Administration (AD CS) Cmdlets |
ADCSDeployment |
Active Directory Certificate Services Deployment (AD CS) Cmdlets |
ADDSDeployment |
Active Directory Rights Management (AD RMS) Services Deployment Cmdlets |
ADRMSAdmin |
Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) Administration Cmdlets |
AppBackgroundTask |
AppLocker |
AppX |
AssignedAccess |
BestPractices |
BitLocker |
BitsTransfer |
BranchCache |
CimCmdlets |
CisAgent |
StorSimple – Microsoft Azure management agent (CisAgent) Cmdlets |
ClusterAwareUpdating |
DcbQos |
Deduplication |
Defender |
Dfsn |
Dfsr |
DhcpServer |
DirectAccessClientComponents |
Dism |
DnsClient |
DnsServer |
FailoverClusters |
FileServerResourceManager |
GroupPolicy |
Hardware Certification |
Hyper-V |
International |
IpamServer |
iScsi |
iScsiTarget |
Kds |
MMAgent |
Mpio |
MSDtc |
MsMq |
MsOnlineBackup |
NetAdapter |
NetConnection |
NetEventPacketCapture |
NetLbfo |
NetNat |
NetQoS |
NetSecurity |
NetSwitchTeam |
NetTcpip |
NetWnv |
NetworkConnectivityStatus |
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters |
NetworkTransition |
PcsvDevice |
PowerShellWebAccess |
PrintManagement |
RemoteAccess |
RemoteDesktop |
RemoteDesktopServices |
ScheduledTasks |
SecureBoot |
ServerCore |
ServerManager |
ServerManagerTasks |
ServerMigration |
SmbShare |
SmbWitness |
SmisConfig |
Storage Management Initiative – Specification (SMI-S) Cmdlets |
SoftwareInventoryLogging |
StartScreen |
Storage |
Storage |
SyncShare |
TroubleshootingPack |
TrustedPlatformModule |
UpdateServices |
UserAccessLogging |
VpnClient |
WasPSExt |
Wdac |
Wds |
WebAdministration |
WebApplicationProxy |
WindowsDeveloperLicense |
WindowsErrorReporting |
WindowsSearch |
WindowsServerBackup |
WSSCmdlets |
WSSSetupCmdlets |