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Configuring log limits

Updated: February 1, 2010

Applies To: Unified Access Gateway

This topic describes how to configure Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) event log settings, such as, the number of events that can be displayed in the Event Viewer windows of the Web Monitor, or the maximum size of the log, including event logs, error logs, and trace logs.

To configure event log settings

  1. In the Forefront UAG Management console, on the Admin menu, click Event Logging.

  2. In the Event Logging dialog box, click the General tab.

  3. In Queue Size, specify the number of events that are displayed in the Event Viewer windows of the Web Monitor. The queue size indicates the number of events that are displayed each time a user opens the Event Viewer windows, and the maximum number of events that are added to the message list between refreshes. For example, if the queue size is 50, and the refresh rate is 15 seconds, then after a refresh, no more than 50 events are added to the event list in the 15 seconds that elapse until the next refresh. If more than 50 events are issued during this time, only the last 50 will be displayed.

  4. In Max Report Results, specify the maximum number of events that can be fully displayed in the Web Monitor when you generate a query. This value affects the following:

    • Session Monitor—In the Statistics window, if the number of query results exceeds the number defined here, Duration is not displayed.

    • Application Monitor—In the Statistics window, if the number of query results exceeds the number defined here, Duration and Total Accesses are not displayed.

    • User Monitor—In the Statistics window, if the number of query results exceeds the number defined here, the results are not displayed. The user is notified accordingly.

    • Event Report window—If the number of query results exceeds the number defined here, the number of results defined here is displayed.

  5. Click Configure Monitor Users to open the Windows Local Users and Groups Manager on the Forefront UAG server, in which you can configure additional Web Monitor users.

To configure maximum log size

  1. In the Run dialog box, type Regedit to open the Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WhaleCom\e-Gap\\von\MonitorMgr\ MaxLogSizeMB.

  3. Specify the maximum log size in megabytes. Note that by default the log size is 2.5 gigabytes.


Note that the maximum log size does not include the Internet Information Services (IIS) log files.