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Procedure for Item-Level Recovery of Files and Folders

Aplica-se a: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

Use this procedure for item-level recovery of files and folders.

To perform item-level recovery of files and folders

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Recovery in the Actions pane.

  2. Browse or search for the virtual machine name that you want to recover, and then, in the Details pane, select the item (VHD).

  3. Select the date from which you want to perform a recovery.


    Dates in bold indicate available recovery points.

  4. To view the list of files and folders, in the Recoverable Items list, do the following:

    1. Double-click the item (VHD) that you want to recover.

    2. Double-click the items (volumes in VHD) that you want to recover.

  5. Select the items (files and folders) that you want to recover.


    You can select and recover multiple files and folders from the list.

  6. In the Actions pane, click Recover to start the Recovery Wizard.

    For more information about the Recovery Wizard, see Recovery Wizard (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=164845).


    DPM saves files and folders in a custom directory structure in the following format: <Recovery destination selected by user>&lt;VM name>_<Backup Time stamp> with the exact file system hierarchy that is used on a protected computer with the DPM agent installed.