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Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment Namespace

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online


Class Description
AddDeploymentAdministratorRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a deployment administrator. The user must already exist in Active Directory.
AddDeploymentAdministratorResponse Contains the response from the AddDeploymentAdministratorRequest.
AsyncSettings Contains setting values that can be changed to tune a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
AttributeCollection Contains a collection of attributes.
BeginCreateOrganizationRequest Contains the data that is needed to initiate the asynchronous operation to create an organization.
BeginCreateOrganizationResponse Contains the response from theBeginCreateOrganizationRequest.
BeginImportOrganizationRequest Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to import an organization.
BeginImportOrganizationResponse Contains the response from the BeginImportOrganizationRequest.
BeginUpdateOrganizationRequest Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to update an organization.
BeginUpdateOrganizationResponse Contains the response from theBeginUpdateOrganizationRequest.
BeginUpgradeOrganizationRequest Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to upgrade an organization.
BeginUpgradeOrganizationResponse Contains the response from theBeginUpgradeOrganizationRequest.
Certificate Contains information about a certificate.
ClaimsSettings Contains the settings for claims based authentication.
ConfigurationEntity Contains attributes for a specific table in the configuration database.
CustomCodeSettings Server level settings that control use of custom code.
DashboardSettings Server level dashboard settings.
DeferredOperationError Contains information about an error that occurred with a deferred operation.
DeferredOperationRequest Base class for all asynchronous requests for the deployment Web service.
DeferredOperationResponse Base class for all asynchronous responses for the deployment Web service.
DeferredOperationStatus Contains information about the status of a deferred operation.
DeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a deployment record.
DeleteResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRequest.
DeploymentAdministrator Contains information about a deployment administrator in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
DeploymentConfigSettings Base class for configuration settings entities.
DeploymentEntity Base class for deployment entities.
DeploymentObject Base class for deployment Web service entities and settings.
DeploymentServiceClient Implements IDeploymentService interface and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the deployment service..
DeploymentServiceFault Represents a deployment service fault.
DeploymentServiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a request and the base class for all deployment service requests.
DeploymentServiceResponse Contains the response from the request and the base class for all deployment Web service responses.
DupSettings Contains duplicate detection settings that can be used to tune a deployment.
EntityInstanceId Contains the information needed to identify a deployment entity record: deployment entity type and ID.
ErrorDetailCollection Contains the collection of error details.
EtmSettings Contains Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) settings.
IfdSettings Contains settings for configuring Internet-facing deployments (IFDs).
ImportSettings Contains settings that can be changed to tune data import.
LicenseProperties Contains information about a license for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
MarketplaceSettings Contains settings for the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace.
MonitoringSettings Contains settings used to manage or configure the monitoring service and the tests executed by the service.
MultiEntityQuickFindSettings Contains settings for multi-entity quick find (finds records of different types).
Organization Contains information about an organization in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
OrganizationUserInfo Contains information about a user in an organization.
QuickFindSettings Contains settings for quick find (finds records of one type).
RequestCheckResult For internal use only.
RetrieveAdvancedSettingsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve advanced settings from the configuration database. For internal use only.
RetrieveAdvancedSettingsResponse Contains the response from theRetrieveAdvancedSettingsRequest.
RetrieveAllRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all deployment records of the specified deployment entity type.
RetrieveAllResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllRequest.
RetrieveRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a deployment entity or configuration settings record.
RetrieveResponse Contains the response from theRetrieveRequest.
Server Contains information about a server in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
SqmSettings Contains settings about the Microsoft customer experience improvement program.
TeamSettings Contains settings for the auto created (system-managed) access teams.
ThrottleSettings Contains information about service throttling.
TraceSettings Contains trace settings for a deployment.
TrackLicenseRequest Contains the data that is needed to track the licenses for a deployment.
TrackLicenseResponse Contains the response from theTrackLicenseRequest.
UpdateAdvancedSettingsRequest Contains the data that is needed to update advanced settings from the configuration database. For internal use only.
UpdateAdvancedSettingsResponse Contains the response from theUpdateAdvancedSettingsRequest.
UpdateProductKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to update a product key.
UpdateProductKeyResponse Contains the response from the UpdateProductKeyRequest.
UpdateRequest Contains the data that is needed to update a deployment record.
UpdateResponse Contains the response from theUpdateRequest.
WebAddressSettings Contains deployment specific root domain address values.
WorkflowSettings Contains workflow setting values which can be changed to tune a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
YammerSettings Contains settings for Yammer.


Interface Description
IDeploymentService Provides programmatic access to deployment information.
IDeploymentServiceChannel Interface for the deployment web service channel.


Enumeration Description
AddressScheme The address scheme: http or https.
DeferredOperationState Describes the possible states for an asynchronous operation.
DeploymentEntityType Describes the type of deployment entity.
DeploymentErrorLevel Contains information about an error with the deployment web service.
ImportUserMappingMethod Defines the possible methods for mapping users when importing an organization.
LicenseType Indicates the type of license.
OrganizationState Describes the state of the organization.
ServerRoles Describes specific server functionality, components, and services.
ServerState Describes the state of a server.
TrackingLicenseType Describes the type of license.

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