Message Queuing features
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
Following is a summary of the major features of Message Queuing 3.0:
Delivering messages over HTTP transport. New in Message Queuing 3.0, SRMP (SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol), an XML-based messaging protocol, has been developed for delivering high Quality of Service (QoS) messages. The direct, public, and private format names of administration and response queues can be included in messages sent over HTTP transport. Similarly, the names of administration and response queues in HTTP format can be included in messages sent over ordinary (non-HTTP) transport. For more information about these features, see HTTP/HTTPS messages. For more information on format names, see Queue names.
Triggers. Now a component in Message Queuing 3.0, rather than an add-on module. Triggers provides a mechanism that associates the arrival of each incoming message at a queue with a response that depends on the contents of the message and may invoke either a COM component or a stand-alone executable program. Business rules can be defined and invoked in response to such messages without any additional programming. For more information about this feature, see Triggers.
Sending messages to multiple destinations. New in Message Queuing 3.0, clients are able to send the same message to multiple recipient queues. Lists of destination queues can be specified explicitly by means of distribution group objects (distribution lists) in Active Directory as well as in the form of multiple-element format names. Support for ensuring that messages sent to distribution lists and multiple-element format names will reach queues on downlevel computers is provided. In addition, message delivery to IP multicast destinations using the PGM protocol is supported. For more information about these features, see Multiple Destination Messaging.
Message lookup. Message Queuing 3.0 now provides a way to peek at or retrieve a specific message without using cursors to navigate through the queue until the message sought is located. This functionality is based on a 64-bit lookup identifier that is assigned to each message when it is placed in a destination queue. For more information, see Managing messages.
Active Directory Integration. Message Queuing 3.0 improves integration with, and extension of, the Active Directory service to store all configuration, security, and status information. Message Queuing clients now use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to access domain controllers and global catalog servers for Message Queuing-specific information in Active Directory directly without assistance from a Message Queuing server on a domain controller.
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) support. From Message Queuing 3.0, Message Queuing is now administered more completely using snap-ins hosted in an MMC console. Administrative tasks formerly performed in Control Panel are now performed in snap-ins. For more information, see New ways to do familiar Message Queuing tasks.
Workgroup support. Message Queuing can be installed in workgroup mode on computers belonging to a Windows Server 2003 workgroup, rather than to a domain. In addition, a computer on which Message Queuing is installed in a workgroup can later join a domain, and then separate from the domain. For more information about belonging to a workgroup or a domain, see Deploying in a domain environment and Deploying in workgroup mode.
Active/active cluster support. Message Queuing now fully supports the active/active paradigm in a server cluster, which means that Message Queuing can run on all nodes in a server cluster simultaneously. Message Queuing triggers are also integrated with active/active cluster support. For more information on the active/active model in server clusters, see Distributing Message Queuing in a network.
Windows CE support. A special version of a Message Queuing client is preinstalled on handheld and palm-sized computers running the Windows CE 3.0 (or later) operating system. Windows CE also now supports the Message Queuing SRMP protocol, for HTTP messaging.
Message backup and restore. Message storage files, log files, transaction log files, and registry settings can be backed up and restored in case of computer failure. For more information, see Backing up and restoring messages.
Message prioritization. Message prioritization allows urgent or important messages to be sent before less important messages, so you can guarantee adequate response time for critical applications at the expense of less important applications. For more information on sending messages with different priorities, see Message priority.
Guaranteed message delivery. Messages can be stored on a disk-based queue, and then later forwarded to provide guaranteed delivery.
Sending messages within transactions. Using transactional capabilities, you can couple several related actions in a single transaction, ensure messages are delivered in order, ensure messages are delivered only once, and confirm that messages were successfully retrieved from the destination queue. For more information on sending messages within transactions, see Transactional messaging.
Dynamic queue creation. You can create queues or change queue properties on the fly without affecting messaging applications.
Message routing. Message Queuing provides message routing based on the physical topology of the network, session concentration needs, and transport connectivity. Session concentration facilitates the efficient usage of slow communication links. For more information on this subject, see Routing with Message Queuing servers.
Cross-platform integration. Message Queuing can be used across a wide variety of hardware platforms using connectivity products provided by other vendors. For more information on messaging with different platforms, see Cross-Platform Messaging.
These features make Message Queuing ideal for the implementation of semi-independent client/server systems (such as order entry, accounting, and inventory applications), batch processing, queue-based client/server systems (first-come, first-served resource access), and for migration from legacy systems.