NMAKE makefile contents and features
A makefile contains:
For a sample, see Sample makefile.
NMAKE supports other features, such as wildcards, long filenames, comments, and escapes for special characters.
NMAKE expands filename wildcards (*
and ?
) in dependency lines. A wildcard specified in a command is passed to the command; NMAKE doesn't expand it.
Enclose long filenames in double quotation marks, as follows:
all : "VeryLongFileName.exe"
Precede a comment with a number sign (#
). NMAKE ignores text from the number sign to the next newline character.
# Comment on line by itself
OPTIONS = /MAP # Comment on macro definition line
all.exe : one.obj two.obj # Comment on dependency line
link one.obj two.obj
# Comment in commands block
# copy *.obj \objects # Command turned into comment
copy one.exe \release
.obj.exe: # Comment on inference rule line
link $<
my.exe : my.obj ; link my.obj # Err: cannot comment this
# Error: # must be the first character
.obj.exe: ; link $< # Error: cannot comment this
To specify a literal number sign, precede it with a caret (^
), as follows:
DEF = ^#define #Macro for a C preprocessing directive
To use an NMAKE special character as a literal character, place a caret (^
) in front of it as an escape. NMAKE ignores carets that precede other characters. The special characters are:
: ; # ( ) $ ^ \ { } ! @ —
A caret (^
) within a quoted string is treated as a literal caret character. A caret at the end of a line inserts a literal newline character in a string or macro.
In macros, a backslash (\
) followed by a newline character is replaced by a space.
In commands, a percent symbol (%
) is a file specifier. To represent %
literally in a command, specify a double percent sign (%%
) in place of a single one. In other situations, NMAKE interprets a single %
literally, but it always interprets a double %%
as a single %
. Therefore, to represent a literal %%
, specify either three percent signs, %%%
, or four percent signs, %%%%
To use the dollar sign ($
) as a literal character in a command, specify two dollar signs ($$
). This method can also be used in other situations where ^$