Error Messages in IIS 6.0
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1
You can configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to send default HTTP 1.1 error messages or custom error messages. Custom error messages can be mapped to a file name or to a URL.
This section includes the following information:
Enabling Standard HTTP 1.1 Error Messages: Describes how to use the detailed (also known as friendly) HTTP 1.1 errors that are included with IIS.
Configuring Custom Error Messages: Provides information about customizing Microsoft® Active Server Pages (ASP) error files.
Enabling ASP Error Processing: Describes how to use the 500-100.asp custom error file to process ASP errors.
Disabling HTTP Friendly Error Messages in Internet Explorer: Describes how to show literal HTTP error codes used with to troubleshooting.
HTTP.sys, the kernel-mode driver, does not serve custom errors. If a request does not reach user mode, HTTP.sys returns standard HTTP 1.1 error messages to the browser. HTTP.sys might return standard error messages for the following errors, even if you have specified a custom error message:
400: Cannot resolve the request.
414: Request URL is too large and therefore unacceptable on the Web server.
501: Header values specify a configuration that is not implemented.
For details about why HTTP.sys returned one of these standard error messages, view the HTTP error logs. By default, HTTP error logs are created in the following location: systemroot\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR.
Disabling HTTP Friendly Error Messages in Internet Explorer: Describes how to disable HTTP friendly error messages in Internet Explorer for troubleshooting purposes.
For more information about HTTP status codes (100–500) see HTTP Status Codes in IIS 6.0.
For information about client error codes (400–404) and how to troubleshoot common request problems, see HTTP 40x -- Client Error Codes.
For information about how to log substatus error codes and what substatus error codes mean, see Substatus Error Codes in Log Files.