使用 Windows Server 备份来还原 Exchange 备份
您可以使用 Windows Server 备份来备份和还原 Exchange 数据库。 Exchange 包括 Windows Server 备份的插件,可允许您执行和还原 Exchange 数据的基于卷影复制服务 (VSS) 的备份。 有关其他信息,请参阅使用 Windows 服务器备份来备份和还原 Exchange 数据。
估计完成时间:1 分钟,再加上还原数据所花费的时间
您必须先获得权限,然后才能执行此过程或多个过程。 若要查看所需的权限,请参阅 收件人权限主题中的"邮箱恢复"条目。
Windows 服务器备份功能必须安装在本地计算机上。
在将数据库还原到其原始位置时,数据库可能保留异常关闭状态并且可由系统装入。 当还原至备用位置时(例如,准备使用一个恢复数据库),必须通过使用 Exchange 数据库实用程序 (Eseutil.exe) 手动使数据库进入干净关闭状态。
是否有任何疑问? 请在 Exchange 论坛中寻求帮助。 请访问以下论坛:Exchange Server、Exchange Online 或 Exchange Online Protection。
启动 Windows Server 备份。
Select Local Backup.
在“操作”窗格中,单击“ 恢复...” 启动恢复向导。
On the Getting Started page, do either of the following:
If the data being recovered was backed up on the local server, select This server (ServerName), and then click Next.
If the data being recovered is from another server, or if the backup being recovered is located on another computer, select Another server, and then click Next. On the Specify location type page, select Local drives or Remote shared folder, and then click Next. If you select Local drives, select the drive containing the backup on the Select backup location page, and then click Next. If you select Remote shared folder, enter the UNC path for the backup data on the Specify remote folder page, and then click Next.
On the Select Backup Date page, select the date and time of the backup that you want to recover, and then click Next.
On the Select Recovery Type page, select Applications, and then click Next.
If Applications is not available as a selection, it indicates that the backup selected for restore was a folder-level backup, and not a volume level backup. You must perform backups at the volume level when backing up Exchange data with Windows Server Backup.
On the Select Application page, verify that Exchange is selected in the Applications field. Click View Details to view the application components of the backups. If the backup that you're recovering is the most recent, the Do not perform a roll-forward recovery of the application database check box is displayed. Select this check box if you want to prevent Windows Server Backup from rolling forward the database being recovered by committing all uncommitted transaction logs. Click Next.
On the Specify Recovery Options page, specify where you want to recover the data, and then click Next:
Choose Recover to original location if you want to restore the Exchange data directly to its original location. 如果使用此选项,则不能选择还原的数据库;该卷上的所有备份数据库将还原到其原始位置。
Choose Recover to another location if you want to restore individual databases and their files to a specified location. Click Browse to specify the alternate location. 如果您使用此选项,您就可以选择要还原的数据库。 还原后,可以将数据文件移动到恢复数据库中,手动移回其原始位置,或使用 数据库可移植性将其装载到 Exchange 组织中的其他位置。 在将数据库还原到备用位置时,还原的数据库将处于异常关闭状态。 还原过程完成之后,您将需要使用 Eseutil.exe 手动使数据库进入干净关闭状态。
On the Confirmation page, review the recovery settings, and then click Recover.
On the Recovery Progress page, you can view the status and progress of the recovery operation.
“恢复进程”页面会表明恢复进程是否成功完成。 若要进一步验证是否已成功还原数据,请执行以下操作之一:
在运行 Windows Server Backup 的服务器上,通过查看备份日志验证作业是否已成功完成。