Using Connectors to Import Data into Service Manager
Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1
Service Manager connectors let you import data as configuration items from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), System Center Configuration Manager, and Operations Manager 2007. In addition, you can import alerts from Operations Manager 2007, and these alerts can be configured to automatically generate incidents in Service Manager. You can also import data from comma-separated value files into the Service Manager database.
- Effects of Deleting a Connector on Configuration Items
Describes the effects of deleting a connector.
- Importing Data from Active Directory Domain Services
Describes how to create, synchronize, and disable or enable an Active Directory connector.
- Importing Data and Alerts from Operations Manager 2007
Describes how to create synchronize, edit, and disable or enable an Operations Manager 2007 alert or configuration item (CI) connector.
- Importing Data from Configuration Manager 2007
Describes how to create a connector to System Center Configuration Manager and how to customize configuration management to extend the hardware information that is collected.
- Using a CSV File to Import Data into Service Manager
Describes how to import data into System Center Service Manager 2010 by using a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
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