How to Run the Data Warehouse Registration Wizard
Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1
You can use the following steps in System Center Service Manager 2010 to register with the Service Manager data warehouse.
By using an account that is a member of the Service Manager and data warehouse management administrators group, log on to the computer that hosts the Service Manager console.
In the Service Manager console, select Administration.
In the Administration pane, expand Administration.
In the Administration view, in the Register with Service Manager’s Data Warehouse area, click Register with Service Manager Data Warehouse.
In the Data Warehouse Registration wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click Next.
On the Data Warehouse page, in the Server name box, type the fully qualified domain name of the computer hosting the data warehouse management server, and then click Test Connection. If the test is successful, click Next.
On the Credentials page, you can accept the default entry in the Run as account list, and then click Next, or you can enter credentials from a user or group of your own choosing.
The account you specify will be assigned administrative credentials on the Service Manager management server and granted Read permission on the Service Manager database. You can specify different credentials from other Service Manager management groups when registering with the data warehouse.
On the Summary page, click Create.
On the Completion page, when The data warehouse registration succeeded is displayed, click Close.
A dialog box states that the report deployment process has not finished. This is to be expected. On the System Center Service Manager dialog box, click OK.
In a few minutes, after closing the Data Warehouse Registration wizard, the Data Warehouse button will be added to the Service Manager console. In the Service Manager console, click the arrow at the lower right corner of the Service Manager console buttons, and then click Show More Buttons.
You can use a Windows PowerShell command to complete this task. For information about how to use Windows PowerShell to register Service Manager management groups with the data warehouse, see Add-SCDWMgmtGroup (
On the computer hosting the data warehouse management server, on the Windows desktop, click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell, and then click Run as administrator.
At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following commands, and then press ENTER:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
Type the following command, and then press ENTER.
If registration was successful, a table with two rows of data is displayed. One row displays data for the data warehouse management group, and a second row displays data for the Service Manager management group. If registration fails, only the data for the data warehouse management group is displayed.
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