Release Notes for System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1
Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1
Read these release notes before you install the System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1 software and before you use the product. For the latest information about Service Manager SP1, see Service Manager 2010 documentation (
Service Manager 2010 SP1 Setup Might Fail During Upgrade Due to Configuration Service Startup Timing Out
On some computers, Service Manager Setup fails and rollbacks if it cannot start the System Center Management Configuration Service in a timely fashion. If this problem occurs, you would see the following entries in the install log:
CAStartServices: Attempting to start service. OMCFG
CAStartServices: StartService failed. Error Code: 0x8007041D.
ConfigureSDKConfigService: CAStartServices failed. Error Code: 0x8007041D. OMCFG
Error 0x8007041D indicates that the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. Additionally, the following event may be logged in the System Event log:
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Event ID: 7009
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the System Center Management Configuration service to connect.
This problem occurs because a .NET Framework 2.0 managed assembly that has an Authenticode signature takes longer than usual to load. The signature is always verified when the .NET Framework 2.0 managed assembly that has an Authenticode signature is loaded. Additionally, the .NET Framework 2.0 managed assembly may take longer than usual to load because of various other settings. For example, the .NET Framework 2.0 managed assembly may take longer than usual to load because of the network configuration. For additional information about the cause of this problem, see the Microsoft Support Web site article (
WORKAROUND: If this problem affects you, perform one of the following workarounds.
The settings from these workarounds must persist after the upgrade because the service will fail to start if the settings are removed after the upgrade.
Workaround 1
You can disable signature verification on the computer running Setup, using the following steps:
Edit the file the Microsoft.Mom.ConfigServiceHost.exe.config file located in the Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010 folder.
Add the
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
in the<runtime></runtime>
section.Save the changes to the file.
Attempt the upgrade.
Workaround 2
The drawback of using the following workaround is that it is a global Service timeout setting and it will increase the timeout for every service.
You can increase the Service timeout value on the computer running Setup, using the following steps:
Create the following registry value to increase the Service timeout:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control ServicesPipeTimeout DWORD 200000
You may have to increase this value further if the service still fails to start. The value above is in milliseconds. For additional details about the registry key, see the Microsoft Support Web site article (
Reboot the computer.
Attempt the upgrade again and it should work.
Full text search works only if you have a licensed non-Microsoft word breaker installed. However, full text search does not work for some characters of the Turkish language even if you have a licensed non-Microsoft Turkish word breaker installed.
WORKAROUND: Load a licensed non-Microsoft word breaker that enables full-text search to function. For more information, see the following links for the version of SQL Server that you are using:
SQL Server 2008 (
SQL Server 2008 R2 (
Opening a Form or Dialog Box Might Not Render Properly on Remote Computers Due to a Video Driver Problem
When you open a form or dialog box using Remote Desktop Connection on computers running Windows Vista or Windows 7, the form or dialog box might not display properly.
WORKAROUND: If this issue affects you, try one of the following workarounds.
Enable a high contrast theme and then disable it.
Disable hardware acceleration for the video driver.
Restore down the Service Manager console, or do no maximize it, before you open the form or dialog box.
The Service Manager console might not open if your computer uses either the Intel Q45 or Q43 Express chipset.
WORKAROUND: If you are affected by this problem, you can disable hardware acceleration. However, you can resolve this problem by installing an update for your video display adapter driver. You can find additional information about the updated driver on the Microsoft Support web site (
When you create a new task targeted at a business service, it does not appear in the Service Manager console in the All Business Services view when you use the Service Manager Overrides management pack.
WORKAROUND: When you create a task, do not use the Service Manager Overrides management pack. Instead, use the Configuration Item management pack. Additionally, do not target a task at a Business Service. Instead, target a task at a Service.
The /EnableErrorReporting Setup parameter is not documented as a required parameter when you type Setup/?. However, due to a known issue with Setup, you must specify the parameter for Setup to succeed. Possible arguments are Yes and No. Specifying this parameter has no impact on your Windows Error Reporting setting, which you can modify through Control Panel. For more information, see the Windows documentation.
The relative date and time option in the subscription criteria does not work in this release.
WORKAROUND: None. When you create a subscription, do not choose the relative date and time option in the criteria.
On the Service Components tab of the Service Maps form, the user interface elements might be misplaced and therefore not immediately visible on computers running Windows Vista.
WORKAROUND: Resize the Service Maps form to a smaller size until the user interface elements appear.
If you use the Set-SCSMRunAsAccount Windows PowerShell cmdlet with multiple values for the RunAsAccountName, the cmdlet will not work successfully. Only the first of the multiple values is updated and an error is displayed.
WORKAROUND: Run the cmdlet with a single RunAsAccount or RunasProfileName. If you need to apply multiple values, use one of the Windows PowerShell loop constructs.
If you import an unsealed management pack that contains dimensions into the data warehouse, you cannot easily remove the management pack.
WORKAROUND: Do not import an unsealed management pack that contains dimensions into the data warehouse.
The Change Management KPI Trend report incorrectly lists time in the report as Unit of Time (UTC). Instead, report data is aggregated in local time.
The period character [.] Is not supported by the Service Manager SDK in the reference alias for a management pack within a criteria XML definition. Using a period in the reference alias generates an error.
Unsuccessful Secondary Service Manager Server Does Not Roll Back Users Added to the Service Manager Administrator User Role
Residual user data in the Service Manager database results after you cancel an installation of a second instance of Service Manager.
WORKAROUND: You can manually remove users from any user role by using the Service Manager console.
When you perform a knowledge search and you type double-byte characters in the Search Provider box, they are not sent correctly to the search Web site. Instead, erroneous characters are sent.
Setup includes a prerequisite checker that checks for and, if necessary, installs the Microsoft Report Viewer. However, Setup does not install the Report Viewer Language Pack, which makes the Microsoft Report Viewer compatible with Windows operating systems that are configured to use languages other than English.
WORKAROUND: If your system is configured to use a language other than English, you should manually install the Report Viewer Language Pack for that language. You can download the Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 SP1 Language Pack from the Microsoft Download Center (
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