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Windows2 介面

Windows 集合包含環境中的所有視窗。

命名空間:  EnvDTE80
組件:  EnvDTE80 (在 EnvDTE80.dll 中)


<GuidAttribute("31EFB5B1-C655-4ADA-BB52-3ED87FB2A4AE")> _
Public Interface Windows2 _
    Inherits Windows
public interface Windows2 : Windows
public interface class Windows2 : Windows
type Windows2 =  
        interface Windows
public interface Windows2 extends Windows

Windows2 型別會公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Count (繼承自 Windows)。
公用屬性 Count 取得值,表示 Windows2 集合中的物件數目。
公用屬性 DTE (繼承自 Windows)。
公用屬性 DTE 取得最上層的擴充性物件。
公用屬性 Parent (繼承自 Windows)。
公用屬性 Parent 取得 Windows2 集合的直接上層父物件。



  名稱 說明
公用方法 CreateLinkedWindowFrame(Window, Window, vsLinkedWindowType) (繼承自 Windows)。
公用方法 CreateLinkedWindowFrame(Window, Window, vsLinkedWindowType) 建立 Window 物件,並在裡面放入兩個視窗。
公用方法 CreateToolWindow(AddIn, String, String, String, Object%) (繼承自 Windows)。
公用方法 CreateToolWindow(AddIn, String, String, String, Object%) 建立新工具視窗,它包含指定的 Document 物件或 ActiveX 控制項。
公用方法 CreateToolWindow2 建立新的工具視窗,並在其中裝載使用者定義的 .NET 控制項。
公用方法 GetEnumerator() (繼承自 Windows)。
公用方法 GetEnumerator() 取得列舉集合中的項目。
公用方法 Item(Object) (繼承自 Windows)。
公用方法 Item(Object) 傳回 Windows 集合的索引成員。



這個範例中,會連結 [輸出視窗]、[命令視窗] 和 [方案總管]。 然後,它會操作這些連結視窗的寬度和高度,最後將它們從連結視窗框架全部卸除。

如需如何像執行增益集一般,執行這個範例的詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:編譯和執行 Automation 物件模型程式碼範例

Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    _applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    _addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub LinkedWindowsExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim Frame As Window2
    Dim wins As Windows2
    wins = CType(_applicationObject.Windows, EnvDTE80.Windows2)
    Dim w1 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    Dim w2 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    Dim w3 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindCommandWindow), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    ' Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer 
    ' and the Ouput window together inside it.
    Frame = CType(wins.CreateLinkedWindowFrame _
(w1, w2, vsLinkedWindowType.vsLinkedWindowTypeDocked), _
    MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " _
 & Frame.LinkedWindows.Count)
    ' Add another tool window, the Command window, to the frame with 
    ' the other two.
    MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " _
    & Frame.LinkedWindows.Count)
    ' Resize the entire linked window frame.
    Frame.Width = 500
    Frame.Height = 600
    MsgBox("Frame height and width changed. Now changing _
     Command window height.")
    ' Resize the height of the Command window.
    Frame.LinkedWindows.Item(3).Height = 800
    MsgBox("Now undocking the Command window from the frame.")
    ' Undock the Command window from the frame.
    MsgBox("Now undocking the rest of the windows from the frame.")
End Sub
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode
 connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void LinkedWindowsExample(DTE2 dte)
    Window2 Frame;
    Windows2 wins;
    wins = (EnvDTE80.Windows2)_applicationObject.Windows;
    Window2 w1 = 
Window2 w2 =
    Window2 w3 = 
    // Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer
    // and the Output window together inside it.
    Frame = (EnvDTE80.Window2)wins.CreateLinkedWindowFrame
(w1, w2, vsLinkedWindowType.vsLinkedWindowTypeDocked);
    MessageBox.Show("Total number of windows in the linked 
window frame: " + Frame.LinkedWindows.Count);
    // Add another tool window, the Command window, to the frame with
    // the other two.
    MessageBox.Show("Total number of windows in the linked 
window frame: " + Frame.LinkedWindows.Count);
    // Resize the entire linked window frame.
    Frame.Width = 500;
    Frame.Height = 600;
    MessageBox.Show("Frame height and width changed.
 Now changing Command window height.");
    // Resize the height of the Command window.
    Frame.LinkedWindows.Item(3).Height = 800;
    MessageBox.Show("Now undocking the Command window from 
the frame.");
    // Undock the Command window from the frame.
    MessageBox.Show("Now undocking the rest of the windows 
from the frame.");



EnvDTE80 命名空間


HOW TO:編譯和執行 Automation 物件模型程式碼範例