
TrackingService.TryGetProfile(Type, TrackingProfile) 方法


必須在衍生類別中覆寫,在實作之後會擷取指定之工作流程類型的追蹤設定檔 (如果有的話)。

protected public:
 abstract bool TryGetProfile(Type ^ workflowType, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Workflow::Runtime::Tracking::TrackingProfile ^ % profile);
protected internal abstract bool TryGetProfile (Type workflowType, out System.Workflow.Runtime.Tracking.TrackingProfile profile);
abstract member TryGetProfile : Type * TrackingProfile -> bool
Protected Friend MustOverride Function TryGetProfile (workflowType As Type, ByRef profile As TrackingProfile) As Boolean



工作流程的 Type,將為此類型的工作流程取得追蹤設定檔。


這個方法傳回時,包含要載入的 TrackingProfile。 這個參數會以未初始化的狀態傳遞。


如果有指定之工作流程 trueTrackingProfile 則為 Type,否則為 false。 如果為 true,會在 TrackingProfile 中傳回 profile


下列程式碼範例示範 TryGetProfile 方法的實作,這個方法會呼叫私用 GetProfile 方法。 這個範例來自<暫止追蹤服務 SDK>範例。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 終止追蹤服務範例

class OrderServiceImpl : IOrderService
    string orderId;
    public WorkflowInstance instanceId;

    // Called by the workflow to pass an order id
    public void CreateOrder(string Id)
        Console.WriteLine("\nPurchase Order Created in System");
        orderId = Id;

    // Called by the host to approve an order
    public void ApproveOrder()
        EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> orderApproved = this.OrderApproved;
        if (orderApproved != null)
            orderApproved(null, new OrderEventArgs(instanceId.InstanceId, orderId));

    // Called by the host to reject an order
    public void RejectOrder()
        EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> orderRejected = this.OrderRejected;
        if (orderRejected != null)
            orderRejected(null, new OrderEventArgs(instanceId.InstanceId, orderId));

    // Events that handled within a workflow by HandleExternalEventActivity activities
    public event EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> OrderApproved;
    public event EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> OrderRejected;
Class OrderServiceImpl
    Implements IOrderService

    Dim orderId As String
    Public instanceId As WorkflowInstance

    ' Called by the workflow to pass an order id
    Public Sub CreateOrder(ByVal Id As String)

        Console.WriteLine("\nPurchase Order Created in System")
        orderId = Id
    End Sub

    ' Called by the host to approve an order
    Public Sub ApproveOrder()
        RaiseEvent OrderApproved(Nothing, New OrderEventArgs(instanceId.InstanceId, orderId))
    End Sub

    ' Called by the host to reject an order
    Public Sub RejectOrder()
        RaiseEvent OrderRejected(Nothing, New OrderEventArgs(instanceId.InstanceId, orderId))
    End Sub

    ' Events that handled within a workflow by HandleExternalEventActivity activities
    Public Event OrderApproved(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As OrderEventArgs) Implements IOrderService.OrderApproved
    Public Event OrderRejected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As OrderEventArgs) Implements IOrderService.OrderRejected
End Class


追蹤服務負責管理用於特定工作流程類型和特定工作流程執行個體的追蹤設定檔。 您可使用您選擇的任何方式來實作這項管理。 例如,您可以針對每個工作流程 TrackingProfile 和工作流程執行個體傳回相同的 Type,或者您也可以管理由工作流程執行個體、工作流程 TypeVersion 所參考之追蹤設定檔的複雜存放區。
