Repair folder redirection and shares
Updated: February 17, 2009
Applies To: Windows SBS 2008
Problem Folder redirection is not working.
Solution Manually create the RedirectedFolders shared folder.
You must be a domain administrator to complete this procedure.
To create the RedirectedFolders shared folder
Open the Windows SBS Console.
On the navigation bar, click Shared Folders and Web Sites, and then click Shared Folders.
Note the SharedPath for the shared folders (for example, C:\Users).
If the RedirectedFolders shared folder exists, either move its contents or rename it. For information about how to move the contents of a folder or how to rename it, see Manually move shared folders to a different location.
In the task pane, click Add a new shared folder. The Provision a Shared Folder Wizard appears.
On the Shared Folder Location page, click Browse, navigate to the shared path noted in Step 2 (for example, C:\Users), and then do one of the following:
If the FolderRedirections folder exists in the Users folder, click the FolderRedirections folder, click OK, and then click Next.
If the FolderRedirections folder does not exist in the Users folder, create the FolderRedirections folder, click OK, and then click Next.
On the NTFS Permissions page, do the following:
Click Yes, change the NTFS permissions, and then click Edit Permissions.
In the Permission for Folder Redirections window, click Advanced, and then set the following permissions:
For both SYSTEM and Administrators, click Edit, in Allow select Full Control, and then click OK.
For Domain Users, click Edit, select only Traverse Folder/Execute File, List folder /Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, and Read Permissions, and then click OK.
Click OK to close Advanced Security Settings for FolderRedirections, click OK to close Permissions for FolderRedirections, and then click Next.
On the Share Protocols page, select SMB, in Share name type RedirectedFolders, and then click Next.
Click Next again.
On the SMB Permissions page, select Users and groups have custom share permissions, and then click Permissions.
Click Everyone, assign Full Control permissions to this group, click OK, and then click Next.
On the Quota Policy page, click Next.
On the Full Screen Policy page, click Next.
On the DFS Namespace Publishing page, click Next.
On the Review Settings and Create Share page, verify the settings, and then click Create.
Click Close to exit the wizard.
Edit the registry, as follows:
Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.
1. Click **Start**, in the **Search** box type **Regedit**, in the **Quick launch** panel right-click **Regedit**, and then click **Run as administrator**.
2. On the **User Account Control** page, click **Continue**.
3. Navigate to **HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\SmallBusinessServer\\Storage**, set the value of **FRShareName** to **RedirectedFolders**, and then set the value of **FRRootPath** to the full path of the shared folder (for example, C:\\Users\\FolderRedirections).
4. Close Regedit.
Verify that the users and folders are correctly configured, as follows:
On the navigation bar, click Shared Folders and Web Sites, and then click Shared Folders.
In Tasks, click Redirect folders for user accounts to the server.
The Folder Redirection Properties dialog box appears.
In Folder Names, click the folders that you want to redirect to the server.
Click User Accounts, and then select the user accounts for which you want to have folder redirection.
Click OK.
Follow-up task You must set the Folder Redirection Group Policy setting. For instructions about how to do this, see “The Folder Redirection Group Policy setting cannot be configured” at the Microsoft Web site (
Problem The Users’ shared folder \\<ServerName>\UserShares\<Username> does not exist.
Solution To resolve this issue, you must manually create the Users’ shared folder.
![]() |
You must be a domain administrator to complete this procedure. |
To create the Users’ shared folder
Open the Windows SBS Console.
On the navigation bar, click Shared Folders and Web Sites, and then click Shared Folders.
Note the SharedPath for the shared folders (for example, C:\Users).
In the list view, verify that there is no existing folder that is named UserShares. If there is, either move the contents of the folder, or rename it.
For information about how to move the contents of a folder or about how to rename it, see Manually move shared folders to a different location.
In the task pane, click Add a new shared folder. The Provision a Shared Folder Wizard appears.
On the Shared Folder Location page click Browse, in the Browse For Folder window navigate to the shared path noted in Step 2 (for example, C:/Users), and then do one of the following:
If the Shares folder exists in the Users folder, click the Shares folder, click OK, and then click Next.
If Shares folder does not exist in the Users folder, create the Shares folder as follows:
In the Browse For Folder window, in the Select a folder list, click Users.
Click Make New Folder.
Right-click New Folder, and then change the name to Shares.
Click OK, and then click Next.
On the NTFS Permissions page, do the following:
Select Yes, change the NTFS permissions, and then click Edit Permissions.
In the Permission for Shares window, click Advanced, and then set the following permissions:
Click SYSTEM, click Edit, click Full Control, and then click OK.
Click Administrators, click Edit, click Full Control, and then click OK.
For Domain Users <DomainName>, click Edit, select only Traverse Folder/Execute File, List folder /Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, and Read Permissions, and then click OK.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Click Next.
On the Share Protocols page select SMB, in Share name type UserShares, and then click Next.
On the SMB Settings page, type a description (optional), and then click Next.
On the SMB Permissions page, click Users and groups have custom share permissions, and then click Permissions. Click Everyone, in the Allow column click Full Control, click OK, and then click Next.
On the Quota Policy page, click Next.
On the Full Screen Policy page, click Next.
On the DFS Namespace Publishing page, click Next.
On the Review Settings and Create Share page, verify the settings, click Create, and then click Close.
Edit the registry, as follows:
Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.
1. Click **Start**, in the **Search** box type **Regedit**, in the quick launch panel right-click **Regedit**, and then click **Run as administrator**.
2. On the **User Account Control** page, click **Continue**.
3. Navigate to **HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\SmallBusinessServer\\Storage**. Set the value of the registry key **SharedRootName** to **UserShares**. Set the value of the registry key **SharedRootPath** to the full path of the shared folder (for example, C:\\Users\\Shares).
4. Close Regedit.
To read the most recent version of this topic, see the Microsoft Web site ( The most recent version might contain additional information that was not available when Windows SBS 2008 was released.