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Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2


Administers phone books. Used without parameters, pbadmin starts Phone Book Administrator. This content is not available in this preliminary release. This content is not available in this preliminary release.


pbadmin.exe /N PhoneBookName [/RRegionFilePath**\RegionFileName] [/PDataFilePath\**DataFileName]

pbadmin.exe /I PhoneBookName /R RegionFilePath \ RegionFileName

pbadmin.exe /I PhoneBookName /P DataFilePath \ DataFileName

pbadmin.exe /O PhoneBookName ServerName UserName Password

pbadmin.exe /B PhoneBookName

  • /N PhoneBookName
    Creates a phone book (.mdb). The PhoneBookName parameter specifies the name of the file to create.
  • /I PhoneBookName
    Imports data into a phone book (.mdb) from a region (.txt) file or a phone book (.pbk or .txt) file. The PhoneBookName parameter specifies the phone book into which you want to import data. You must use the /R or the /P parameter in conjunction with the /I parameter.
  • /R RegionFilePath \ RegionFileName
    Specifies the location and the name of the region file you want to import into a phone book.
  • /P DataFilePath \ DataFileName
    Specifies the location and the name of the phone book file (.pbk or .txt) you want to import into a phone book.
  • /O PhoneBookName ServerName UserName Password
    Configures options for a phone book. The PhoneBookName parameter specifies the name of the phone book for which you want to set options. The ServerName parameter specifies the name of the server to which the phone book is published. The UserName parameter specifies a user account with FTP permissions on the Phone Book Service (PBS) server. The Password parameter specifies the password for the user account on the PBS server.
  • /B PhoneBookName
    Publishes a phone book. The PhoneBookName parameter specifies the name of the phone book to publish. Before you can use the /B parameter, you must configure the phone book with the /O parameter.
  • /?
    Displays help at the command prompt.
  • To create a phone book (.mdb), use this syntax:

    pbadmin.exe /NPhoneBookName [/RRegionFilePath**\RegionFileName] [/PDataFilePath\**DataFileName]

  • To import data into a phone book from a region file, use this syntax:

    pbadmin.exe /IPhoneBookName**/RRegionFilePath\**RegionFileName

  • To import data into a phone book from a phone book file (.pbk) or an appropriately formatted text file (.txt), use this syntax:

    pbadmin.exe /IPhoneBookName**/PDataFilePath\**DataFileName

  • To configure publishing options for a phone book, use this syntax:

    pbadmin.exe /OPhoneBookName ServerName UserName Password

  • To publish a phone book, use this syntax:

    pbadmin.exe /BPhoneBookName

  • For pbadmin, the term "phone book" refers to a phone book (.mdb), and the term "phone book file" refers to a phone book file (.pbk).

  • Command-line parameters are case-sensitive.

  • A phone book name cannot consist of more than eight characters, cannot consist of all digits, and must not contain a space or any of the following symbols: ! , ; * = / \ : ? ' " < > | . & % {} [] @ ( ) ´ ` ~

  • If you specify a path, you must specify the full path. You cannot use spaces in the path to the phone book, to a phone book file, or to a region file.

  • To use the pbadmin command, you must install Phone Book Administrator and then type the command from within the PBA directory. To install Phone Book Administrator, insert your Windows XP Professional or your Windows Server 2003 family installation CD into your CD-ROM drive, and click Browse this CD. Open the VALUEADD folder, open the MSFT folder, open the MGMT folder, and open the PBA folder. Double-click PBAINST, and follow the instructions on your screen.


  • On a Windows Server 2003 SP1 CD, Phone Book Administrator is located in the SUPPORT folder. Open the SUPPORT folder on the CD, open the MSFT folder, open the MGMT folder, and open the PBA folder. Double-click PBAINST, and follow the instructions on your screen.

In the examples below, fictional data is used.

To create a phone book named Awesome, type:

pbadmin.exe /N Awesome

To import data into a phone book named Awesome from a region file named Region1.txt located in the C:\Temp directory, type:

pbadmin.exe /I Awesome /R C:\Temp\Region1.txt

To configure a phone book file with the name of Awesome, the server name of Rainier, the user name of jobrown, and the password of mypassword, type:

pbadmin.exe /O Awesome Rainier jobrown mypassword

To publish a phone book named Awesome, type:

pbadmin.exe /B Awesome

Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

See Also


Administer Phone Books by Command Line
Command-line reference A-Z
Command shell overview