Support resources
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
For more information about updating Windows with the latest service packs, accessing product support, or determining whether specific hardware or software is compatible with your system, click the appropriate link below.
For a comprehensive list of hardware and software supported by Windows operating systems, see one of the following:
Windows Catalog at the Microsoft Web site.
Hardware compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at the Microsoft Web site.
Software compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at the Microsoft Web site.
For information about Windows error messages and how to correct them:
- If you are using Help and Support Center, see Error and Event Log Messages.
For interactive help in solving a problem with your computer or to research your problem:
If you are using Help and Support Center, see Support.
Otherwise, see Product Support Services at the Microsoft Web site.
For the latest updates, including security fixes, service packs, new Help files, and device drivers:
If you are using Help and Support Center, see Windows Update.
Otherwise, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site.
For more information about Windows Support Tools:
- If you are using Help and Support Center, see Tools.