AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom |
authOrig |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers |
dLMemSubmitPerms |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs |
msExchMobileAllowedDeviceIds |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ActiveSyncBlockedDeviceIDs |
msExchMobileBlockedDeviceIds |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ActiveSyncEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy |
msExchMobileMailboxPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
The default Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy is named Default. |
ActiveSyncSuppressReadReceipt |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
AddressBookPolicy |
msExchAddressBookPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
AddressListMembership |
showInAddressBook |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
AdminDisplayName |
adminDisplayName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
AdministrativeUnits |
msExchAdministrativeUnitLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
AggregatedMailboxGuids |
msExchAlternateMailboxes |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Alias |
mailNickname |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the recipient's Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname). This value identifies the recipient as a mail-enabled object, and shouldn't be confused with multiple email addresses for the same recipient (also known as proxy addresses). A recipient can have only one Alias value. |
AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers |
msExchUMListInDirectorySearch |
None (0) or SearchEnabled (1) |
ArbitrationMailbox |
msExchArbitrationMailbox |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
ArchiveDatabase |
msExchArchiveDatabaseLink |
String |
ArchiveDomain |
msExchArchiveAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ArchiveGuid |
msExchArchiveGUID |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ArchiveName |
msExchArchiveName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ArchiveQuota |
msExchArchiveQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
ArchiveWarningQuota |
msExchArchiveWarnQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
ArchiveRelease |
msExchArchiveRelease |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ArchiveState |
n/a |
None (0), Local (1), HostedProvisioned (2), HostedPending (3), or OnPremise (4). |
ArchiveStatus |
msExchArchiveStatus |
None (0) or Active (1). |
AssistantName |
msExchAssistantName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The name of the recipient's assistant. |
AuditEnabled |
msExchMailboxAuditEnable |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
AuditLogAgeLimit |
msExchMailboxAuditLogAgeLimit |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
The value of this property is a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. |
AuthenticationPolicy |
msExchAuthPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
C |
C |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the two-letter country/region designation from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166. For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166. |
CalendarLoggingQuota |
msExchCalendarLoggingQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: Unlimited or a byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Unlimited , or blank/non-blank. |
CalendarRepairDisabled |
msExchCalendarRepairDisabled |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
Certificate |
userCertificate |
System.Byte[] |
This property contains the DER-encoded X509v3 certificates that are issued to the user. |
CertificateSubject |
n/a |
X509:<I>X500Issuer<S>X500Subject (for example, X509:<I>C=US,O=InternetCA,CN=APublicCertificateAuthority<S>C=US,O=Fabrikam,OU=Sales,CN=Jeff Smith ) |
The X509 certificate that's published for the user account (visible on the Published Certificates tab in Active Directory Users and Computers). |
City |
l |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The recipient's city. |
Co |
Co |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The name of the recipient's country or region. You can locate valid Co values on the Address tab in the recipient's properties in Active Directory Users and Computers. |
CommonName |
cn |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ComplianceTagHoldApplied |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
Company |
company |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The recipient's company name. |
CountryOrRegion |
c |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the two-letter country/region designation from ISO 3166. For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166. |
CustomAttribute1 to CustomAttribute15 |
extensionAttribute1 to extensionAttribute15 |
String (wildcards accepted). |
These properties contain custom attributes that you can add to a recipient. |
Database |
homeMDB |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The identity of the user's mailbox database. |
Department |
department |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The recipient's department. |
DataEncryptionPolicy |
msExchDataEncryptionPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
DefaultPublicFolderMailbox |
msExchPublicFolderMailbox |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
DeletedItemFlags |
deletedItemFlags |
DatabaseDefault (0), RetainUntilBackupOrCustomPeriod (3), or RetainForCustomPeriod (5). |
DeliverToMailboxAndForward |
deliverAndRedirect |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
Description |
description |
String (wildcards accepted). |
DirectReports |
directReports |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
DisabledArchiveDatabase |
msExchDisabledArchiveDatabaseLink |
String (wildcards accepted). |
DisabledArchiveGuid |
msExchDisabledArchiveDatabaseGUID |
String (wildcards accepted). |
DisplayName |
displayName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
DistinguishedName |
distinguishedName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
EcpEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ElcExpirationSuspensionEndDate |
msExchELCExpirySuspensionEnd |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
This property contains a date-time value. |
ElcExpirationSuspensionStartDate |
msExchELCExpirySuspensionStart |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
This property contains a date-time value. |
ElcMailboxFlags |
msExchELCMailboxFlags |
None (0), ExpirationSuspended (1), ElcV2 (2), DisableCalendarLogging (4),LitigationHold (8), SingleItemRecovery (16), ValidArchiveDatabase (32), ShouldUseDefaultRetentionPolicy (128), EnableSiteMailboxMessageDedup (256), ElcProcessingDisabled (512), or ComplianceTagHold (1024). |
EmailAddresses |
proxyAddresses |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the recipient's email addresses (the primary email address and all proxy addresses). This is the property used to identify inactive mailboxes. |
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
EntryId |
msExchPublicFolderEntryId |
String (wildcards accepted). |
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy |
msExchEwsApplicationAccessPolicy |
EnforceAllowList or EnforceBlockList . |
EwsEnabled |
msExchEwsEnabled |
Integer |
ExchangeGuid |
msExchMailboxGuid |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ExchangeUserAccountControl |
msExchUserAccountControl |
For valid values, see ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM enumeration. The integer values will work as described. Most of the text values won't work as described (even if you remove ADS_UF and all underscores). |
ExchangeVersion |
msExchVersion |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: ExchangeObjectVersion values. |
ExpansionServer |
msExchExpansionServerName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 to ExtensionCustomAttribute5 |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 to msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5 |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Currently, these attributes aren't useable as filters in Exchange Online. For more information, see Microsoft Entra Connect Sync: Attributes synchronized to Microsoft Entra ID. |
ExternalDirectoryObjectId |
msExchExternalDirectoryObjectId |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ExternalEmailAddress |
targetAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the external email address for mail contacts and mail users. |
ExternalOofOptions |
msExchExternalOOFOptions |
External (0) or InternalOnly (1). |
Fax |
facsimileTelephoneNumber |
String (wildcards accepted). |
FirstName |
givenName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The recipient's first name. |
ForwardingAddress |
altRecipient |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ForwardingSmtpAddress |
msExchGenericForwardingAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
GeneratedOfflineAddressBooks |
msExchOABGeneratingMailboxBL |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
GrantSendOnBehalfTo |
publicDelegates |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
GroupType |
groupType |
None (0), Global (2), DomainLocal (4), BuiltinLocal (5), Universal (8), or SecurityEnabled (-2147483648). |
Guid |
objectGuid |
String (wildcards accepted). |
HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled |
msExchHideFromAddressLists |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
This property specifies whether the recipient is visible in the global address list or other address lists. |
HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled |
hideDLMembership |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
HomeMTA |
homeMTA |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
HomePhone |
homePhone |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Id |
distinguishedName |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
ImapEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ImmutableId |
msExchGenericImmutableId |
String (wildcards accepted). |
IncludedRecipients |
n/a |
None (0), MailboxUsers (1), Resources (2), MailContacts (4), MailGroups (8), MailUsers (16), or AllRecipients (-1). |
IncludeInGarbageCollection |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
Initials |
initials |
String (wildcards accepted). |
InPlaceHolds |
msExchUserHoldPolicies |
String |
InPlaceHoldsRaw |
n/a |
String |
InternetEncoding |
internetEncoding |
Integer |
For valid values, see the Remarks section in the article, Encoding Class. |
IsDirSynced |
msExchIsMSODirsynced |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsHierarchyReady |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsHierarchySyncEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsInactiveMailbox |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsMailboxEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
This property specifies whether the user is mailbox-enabled. |
IsSecurityPrincipal |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsSoftDeletedByDisable |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IsSoftDeletedByRemove |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
IssueWarningQuota |
mDBStorageQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
JournalArchiveAddress |
n/a |
An SMTP email address (for example, ). |
LanguagesRaw |
msExchUserCulture |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the language preference for this mailbox in the format <ISO 639 two-letter culture code>-<ISO 3166 two-letter subculture code> . For example, United States English is en-US . For more information, see CultureInfo Class. |
LastExchangeChangedTime |
msExchLastExchangeChangedTime |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
LastName |
sn |
String (wildcards accepted). |
LdapRecipientFilter |
msExchDynamicDLFilter |
String (wildcards accepted). |
LegacyExchangeDN |
legacyExchangeDN |
String (wildcards accepted). |
LitigationHoldDate |
msExchLitigationHoldDate |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
LitigationHoldEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
LitigationHoldOwner |
msExchLitigationHoldOwner |
String (wildcards accepted). |
LocaleID |
localeID |
Integer |
For valid values, Microsoft Locale ID Values. |
MailboxMoveBatchName |
msExchMailboxMoveBatchName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
MailboxMoveFlags |
msExchMailboxMoveFlags |
For valid values, see the description of the Flags parameter in Get-MoveRequest. |
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName |
msExchMailboxMoveRemoteHostName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
MailboxMoveSourceMDB |
msExchMailboxMoveSourceMDBLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
MailboxMoveStatus |
msExchMailboxMoveStatus |
For valid values, see the description of the MoveStatus parameter in Get-MoveRequest. |
MailboxMoveTargetMDB |
msExchMailboxMoveTargetMDBLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
MailboxPlan |
msExchParentPlanLink |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Mailbox plans correspond to Microsoft 365 license types. The availability of a license plans is determined by the selections that you make when you enroll your domain. |
MailboxRelease |
msExchMailboxRelease |
String (wildcards accepted). |
MailTipTranslations |
msExchSenderHintTranslations |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ManagedBy |
managedBy |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
This property identifies the security principal that's the manager of the group. |
Manager |
manager |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
The recipient's manager. |
MAPIEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
MapiRecipient |
mAPIRecipient |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
MaxBlockedSenders |
msExchMaxBlockedSenders |
Unlimited or an integer. |
MaxSafeSenders |
msExchMaxSafeSenders |
Unlimited or an integer. |
MaxReceiveSize |
delivContLength |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
MaxSendSize |
submissionContLength |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
MemberDepartRestriction |
msExchGroupDepartRestriction |
Closed (0), Open (1), or ApprovalRequired (2). |
MemberJoinRestriction |
msExchGroupDepartRestriction |
Closed (0), Open (1), or ApprovalRequired (2). |
MemberOfGroup |
memberOf |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
You must use the DistinguishedName. This property only works with groups recognized by Exchange, therefore Microsoft Entra security groups do not work. |
Members |
member |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
MessageHygieneFlags |
msExchMessageHygieneFlags |
None (0) or AntispamBypass (1). |
MobileAdminExtendedSettings |
msExchOmaAdminExtendedSettings |
String (wildcards accepted). |
MobileMailboxFlags |
msExchMobileMailboxFlags |
None (0), HasDevicePartnership (1), or ActiveSyncSuppressReadReceipt (2). |
MobileFeaturesEnabled |
msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable |
None (0), AirSyncDisabled (4), or MowaDisabled (8). |
MobilePhone |
mobile |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ModeratedBy |
msExchModeratedByLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
ModerationEnabled |
msExchEnableModeration |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
Name |
name |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The unique name value of the recipient. |
NetID |
n/a |
A sample value is 1003BFFD9A0CFA03 . |
This property is populated for Exchange Online mailboxes in hybrid environments. |
Notes |
info |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ObjectCategory |
objectCategory |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Valid Active Directory ObjectCategory values. |
Valid values use the format CN=<Type>,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain> , where <Type> is typically Person or Group for recipients. For example, CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com . |
ObjectClass |
objectClass |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Valid Active Directory ObjectCategory values. |
Common values for recipients are: contact , organizationalPerson , person , top , group , msExchDynamicDistributionList , and user . |
Office |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
OfflineAddressBook |
msExchUseOAB |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
This property contains the offline address book (OAB) that's associated with this recipient. |
OperatorNumber |
msExchUMOperatorNumber |
String (wildcards accepted). |
OtherFax |
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber |
String (wildcards accepted). |
OtherHomePhone |
otherHomePhone |
String (wildcards accepted). |
OtherTelephone |
otherTelephone |
String (wildcards accepted). |
OWAEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
OWAforDevicesEnabled |
msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
OWAMailboxPolicy |
msExchOWAPolicy |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
Pager |
pager |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Phone |
telephoneNumber |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneProviderId |
msExchUMPhoneProvider |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneticCompany |
msDS-PhoneticCompanyName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneticDepartment |
msDS-PhoneticDepartment |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneticDisplayName |
msDS-PhoneticDisplayName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneticFirstName |
msDS-PhoneticFirstName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PhoneticLastName |
msDS-PhoneticLastName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PoliciesExcluded |
msExchPoliciesExcluded |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PoliciesIncluded |
msExchPoliciesIncluded |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PopEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
PostalCode |
postalCode |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PostOfficeBox |
postOfficeBox |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PreviousRecipientTypeDetails |
msExchPreviousRecipientTypeDetails |
For valid values, see the description of the RecipientTypeDetails parameter in Get-Recipient. |
PrimaryGroupId |
primaryGroupId |
Integer |
For domain users, the value of this property is typically 513, which corresponds to the Domain Users group. |
PrimarySmtpAddress |
n/a |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Don't use the PrimarySmtpAddress property; use the EmailAddresses property instead. Any filter that uses the PrimarySmtpAddress property will also search values in the EmailAddresses property. For example, if a mailbox has the primary email address, and the additional proxy addresses and, all of the following filters will return that mailbox in the result: "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''" , "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''" , or "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''" . |
ProhibitSendQuota |
mDBOverQuotaLimit |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota |
mDBOverHardQuotaLimit |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
ProtocolSettings |
protocolSettings |
String (wildcards accepted). |
PublicFolderContacts |
pFContacts |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
PurportedSearchUI |
msExchPurportedSearchUI |
String (wildcards accepted). |
QueryBaseDN |
msExchQueryBaseDN |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
RawCanonicalName |
canonicalName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property is based on a constructed Active Directory attribute, and does not correctly resolve all members when used in Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter . |
RawExternalEmailAddress |
targetAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
RawName |
name |
String (wildcards accepted). |
RecipientContainer |
msExchDynamicDLBaseDN |
String (wildcards accepted). |
The Active Directory container or organizational unit (OU) that holds the recipient object. |
RecipientDisplayType |
msExchRecipientDisplayType |
MailboxUser (0), DistributionGroup (1), PublicFolder (2), DynamicDistributionGroup (3), Organization (4), PrivateDistributionList (5), RemoteMailUser (6). ConferenceRoomMailbox (7), or EquipmentMailbox (8). |
RecipientFilter |
msExchQueryFilter |
String (wildcards accepted). |
RecipientLimits |
msExchRecipLimit |
Unlimited or an integer. |
This property specifies the maximum number of recipients that are allowed in messages sent by the mailbox. |
RecipientType |
n/a |
For valid values, see the description of the RecipientType parameter in Get-Recipient. |
RecipientTypeDetails |
n/a |
For valid values, see the description of the RecipientTypeDetails parameter in Get-Recipient. |
RecoverableItemsQuota |
msExchDumpsterQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota |
msExchDumpsterWarningQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
RejectMessagesFrom |
unauthOrig |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers |
dLMemRejectPerms |
Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
RemoteAccountPolicy |
msExchSyncAccountsPolicyDN |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
RemotePowerShellEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
RemoteRecipientType |
msExchRemoteRecipientType |
None (0), ProvisionMailbox (1), ProvisionArchive (2), Migrated (4), DeprovisionMailbox (8), DeprovisionArchive (16), RoomMailbox (32), EquipmentMailbox (64), SharedMailbox (96), or TeamMailbox (128). |
ReportToManagerEnabled |
reportToOwner |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ReportToOriginatorEnabled |
reportToOriginator |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
RequireAllSendersAreAuthenticated |
msExchRequireAuthToSendTo |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ResourceCapacity |
msExchResourceCapacity |
Integers. |
ResourceCustom |
n/a |
String |
ResourceMetaData |
msExchResourceMetaData |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ResourcePropertiesDisplay |
msExchResourceDisplay |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ResourceSearchProperties |
msExchResourceSearchProperties |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ResourceType |
n/a |
Room (0) or Equipment (1). |
RetainDeletedItemsFor |
garbageCollPeriod |
Dynamic distribution groups: A time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
RetentionComment |
msExchRetentionComment |
String (wildcards accepted). |
RetentionPolicy |
n/a |
String |
RetentionUrl |
msExchRetentionURL |
String (wildcards accepted). |
RoleAssignmentPolicy |
msExchRBACPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
RulesQuota |
msExchMDBRulesQuota |
Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB ). Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
SamAccountName |
SamAccountName |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
This property specifies an identifier that's compatible with older versions of Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems (also known as the pre-Windows 2000 user account or group name) |
SafeRecipientsHash |
msExchSafeRecipientsHash |
System.Byte[] |
A user's safe recipients list is hashed (SHA-256) one way before it's stored as a binary large object in Active Directory. |
SafeSendersHash |
msExchSafeSendersHash |
System.Byte[] |
A user's safe senders list is hashed (SHA-256) one way before it's stored as a binary large object in Active Directory. |
SCLDeleteThresholdInt |
msExchMessageHygieneSCLDeleteThreshold |
An integer from 0 through 9. |
SCLJunkThresholdInt |
msExchMessageHygieneSCLJunkThreshold |
An integer from 0 through 9. |
SCLQuarantineThresholdInt |
msExchMessageHygieneSCLQuarantineThreshold |
An integer from 0 through 9. |
SCLRejectThresholdInt |
msExchMessageHygieneSCLRejectThreshold |
An integer from 0 through 9. |
SecurityProtocol |
securityProtocol |
System.Byte[] |
SendDeliveryReportsTo |
n/a |
None (0), Manager (1) or Originator (2). |
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled |
oOFReplyToOriginator |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
ServerLegacyDN |
msExchHomeServerName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ServerName |
n/a |
String |
SharingPolicy |
msExchSharingPolicyLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
SimpleDisplayName |
displayNamePrintable |
String (wildcards accepted). |
SingleItemrecoveryEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
SKUAssigned |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
SMimeCertificate |
userSMIMECertificate |
System.Byte[] |
This property contains the binary encoded S/MIME certificates that are issued to the user. |
StateOrProvince |
st |
String (wildcards accepted). |
StreetAddress |
streetAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
StsRefreshTokensValidFrom |
msExchStsRefreshTokensValidFrom |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
TelephoneAssistant |
telephoneAssistant |
String (wildcards accepted). |
TextEncodedORAddress |
textEncodedORAddress |
String (wildcards accepted). |
ThrottlingPolicy |
msExchThrottlingPolicyDN |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
Title |
title |
String (wildcards accepted). |
UMAddresses |
msExchUMAddresses |
String (wildcards accepted). |
UMCallingLineIds |
msExchUMCallingLineIds |
String (wildcards accepted). |
UMDtmfMap |
msExchUMDtmfMap |
String (wildcards accepted). |
UMEnabled |
n/a |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
This property specifies whether Unified Messaging (UM) is enabled for this mailbox. |
UMEnabledFlags |
msExchUMEnabledFlags |
None (0), UMEnabled (1), FaxEnabled (2), TUIAccessToCalendarEnabled (4), TUIAccessToEmailEnabled (8), SubscriberAccessEnabled (16), TUIAccessToAddressBookEnabled (32), AnonymousCallersCanLeaveMessages (256), ASREnabled (512), or VoiceMailAnalysisEnabled (1024). |
UMMailboxPolicy |
msExchUMTemplateLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
UMPinChecksum |
msExchUMPinChecksum |
System.Byte[] |
UMRecipientDialPlanId |
msExchUMRecipientDialPlanLink |
String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). |
UMServerWritableFlags |
msExchUMServerWritableFlags |
None (0), MissedCallNotificationEnabled (1), SMSVoiceMailNotificationEnabled (2), SMSMissedCallNotificationEnabled (4), or PinlessAccessToVoiceMailEnabled (8). |
UMSpokenName |
msExchUMSpokenName |
System.Byte[] |
UnicodePassword |
unicodePwd |
System.Byte[] |
UsageLocation |
msExchUsageLocation |
A valid ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code value or the corresponding display name (for example, US or UnitedStates ). For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166. |
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults |
mDBUseDefaults |
Boolean ($true or $false ) |
If the value of this property is $true, the values of these properties are ignored for the mailbox: IssueWarningQuota, ProhibitSendQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota, , CalendarLoggingQuota, RecoverableItemsWarningQuota, and RecoverableItemsQuota. |
UserAccountControl |
userAccountControl |
For valid values, see the Remarks section in User-Account-Control attribute. You need to convert the hexadecimal values to decimal. Most of the text values won't work as described (even if you remove ADS_UF and all underscores). |
UserPrincipalName |
userPrincipalName |
String (wildcards accepted). |
This property contains the user principal name (UPN) for this recipient (for example, ). This property is not supported to identify inactive mailboxes. |
VoiceMailSettings |
msExchUCVoiceMailSettings |
String (wildcards accepted). |
Valid values for this property are: ExchangeHostedVoiceMail=0 , ExchangeHostedVoiceMail=1 , CsHostedVoiceMail=0 , or CsHostedVoiceMail=1 . |
WebPage |
wWWHomePage |
String (wildcards accepted). |
WhenChanged |
whenChanged |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WhenChangedUTC |
n/a |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WhenCreated |
whenCreated |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WhenCreatedUTC |
n/a |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value in UTC. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WhenMailboxCreated |
msExchWhenMailboxCreated |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WhenSoftDeleted |
msExchWhenSoftDeletedTime |
Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server. Others: Blank or non-blank. |
WindowsEmailAddress |
mail |
String (wildcards accepted). |
WindowsLiveID |
msExchWindowsLiveID |
String (wildcards accepted). |