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Workflow Manager 1.0 Samples


Updated: April 10, 2012

Workflow Manager 1.0 ships with a number of samples to demonstrate the various features in the product. They are intended to show basic functionality and should not be used directly as production-ready code.


Many of the samples below rely on Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio 2012. Please see the Using Workflow Tools sample for more information on getting started with authoring workflows using Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio 2012.

Authoring Declarative Workflows

Defining and using a custom activity in a workflow
This sample demonstrates how to declaratively create a custom activity and use it in a workflow.

Defining and using custom code activities and types in a workflow
This sample demonstrates how to create custom code activities and types and use them in a workflow.

Adding a new version of a workflow or custom activity
This sample demonstrates how to add a new version of a workflow or a custom activity.

Workflow Editor
This sample allows you to author activities and workflows in the re-hosted workflow designer and publish them in the workflow scope hierarchy.

Using DynamicValue

Working with complex data in a workflow using DynamicValue
This sample demonstrates how to work with DynamicValue.

DynamicValue Path Evaluator
This sample allows you to enter the endpoint of a REST service that returns JSON, and experiment and become familiar with DynamicValue and paths of the returned data.

Using Out-of-the-Box Activities

Leveraging pub/sub messaging in a workflow
This sample describes how to use the messaging activities to create a workflow that implements the pub/sub messaging pattern using workflow notifications.

Making HTTP calls from a workflow
This sample demonstrates how to make Http calls from a workflow using the Http activities.

Accessing workflow configuration
This sample demonstrates how to use WorkflowConfiguration to set configuration values to be used during workflow execution.

Using external variables in a workflow
This sample demonstrates how to use ExternalVariables and UserStatus in a workflow.

Expression translation tester
This sample allows you to enter a Visual Basic expression and see the equivalent translated workflow.

Managing Workflow Resources

Workflow Resource Browser
This sample allows you to browse the scope hierarchy of a workflow server, and view information about activities, workflows and instances under the currently selected scope.