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Microsoft.Activities.Expressions Namespace


Provides classes related to expression processing activities.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass Add<T>

An activity to add two numbers.

System_CAPS_pubclass AddToDate

Represents an activity to add to an input DateTime or TimeSpan.

System_CAPS_pubclass And

An activity to execute a binary And operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass CompareDate

An activity to compare two DateTimes.

System_CAPS_pubclass CompareString

An activity to compare two strings.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConcatString

An activity to concatenate strings together.

System_CAPS_pubclass ContainsString

An activity to check whether an input string contains a target value.

System_CAPS_pubclass Convert<TSource, TDestination>

An activity to convert an input value from one type to another.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConvertTimeZone

An activity to convert a DateTime based on an input TimeZone.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateDate

An activity to create a DateTime based on input fields.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateTimeSpan

An activity to create a TimeSpan based on input fields.

System_CAPS_pubclass CurrentDate

An activity to return the current DateTime value.

System_CAPS_pubclass DateInRange

An activity to check if an input date is in a particular range.

System_CAPS_pubclass DelayUntil

Represents an activity to delay workflow execution until a particular DateTime.

System_CAPS_pubclass Divide<T>

An activity to divide two numbers.

System_CAPS_pubclass EndsWithString

An activity to determine whether or not a string ends with a certain substring.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExpressionContainerReference<TResult>

An activity that is used to wrap a translated expression tree such that the structure is preserved through translation.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExpressionContainerValue<TResult>

An activity that is used to wrap a translated expression tree such that the structure is preserved through translation.

System_CAPS_pubclass FormatString

An activity to format a string.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetDateField

An activity to retrieve a specific field in a DateTime.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetDateFields

Represents an activity to retrieve specific fields in a DateTime.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetElapsedDays

An activity to calculate the elapsed number of days between two input DateTimes.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetElapsedTime

An activity to calculated the elapsed time between two input DateTimes.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetTimeSpanFields

An activity to retrieve specific fields in a TimeSpan.

System_CAPS_pubclass IndexOfString

Represents an activity to find the index of a substring within an input string.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEmptyGuid

An activity to check whether or not a Guid is empty.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEmptyString

An activity to check if a string is empty.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEqual<T>

Represents an activity to determine if two objects are equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEqualBoolean

An activity to check whether two booleans are equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEqualGuid

An activity to check whether two Guids are equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEqualNumber<T>

An activity to check whether two numbers are equal.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEqualString

An activity to check if two strings match, optionally based on a regular expressions pattern.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsFalse

An activity to check if an expression is false.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsGreaterThan<T>

An activity to check if one number is greater than another number.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsGreaterThanOrEqual<T>

An activity to check if one number is greater than or equal to another number.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsLessThan<T>

An activity to check if one number is less than another number.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsLessThanOrEqual<T>

An activity to check if one number is less than or equal to another number.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsTrue

An activity to check if an expression is true.

System_CAPS_pubclass Mod<T>

An activity to execute a Mod operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass Multiply<T>

An activity to multiply two numbers.

System_CAPS_pubclass NewGuid

An activity to create a new Guid.

System_CAPS_pubclass Not

An activity to execute a binary Not operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NullLiteral<T>

An activity to specify a value of null.

System_CAPS_pubclass Or

An activity to execute a binary Or operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParseBoolean

An activity to parse a boolean.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParseDate

An activity to parse a date.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParseGuid

An activity to parse a Guid.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParseNumber<T>

An activity to parse a number.

System_CAPS_pubclass ReplaceString

An activity to replace the contents of a string, optionally using regular expressions.

System_CAPS_pubclass SplitString

An activity to split a string based on a separator.

System_CAPS_pubclass StartsWithString

An activity to determine whether or not a string starts with a certain substring.

System_CAPS_pubclass StringLength

An activity to return the length of a string.

System_CAPS_pubclass Substring

An activity to return a substring of a string instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass Subtract<T>

An activity to subtract numbers.

System_CAPS_pubclass SubtractFromDate

An activity to subtract from a date.

System_CAPS_pubclass ToLowerCase

An activity to convert a string to lower case.

System_CAPS_pubclass ToString

An activity to call ToString on an object.

System_CAPS_pubclass ToUpperCase

An activity to convert a string to upper case.

System_CAPS_pubclass Trim

Represents an activity to trim a string.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum DateField

Represents a particular field of a DateTime.

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