(RUS) Balance (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click Accounts payable > Common > Advance holders > Advance holders. Select an advance holder, and then click Balance.


Click Accounts payable > Inquiries > Advance holders > Balance.

Use this form to view balances for advance holders, and to close the balances of an advance holder through cash and bank.

Task that uses this form

(RUS) Close balances for an advance holder

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Balance closing

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Close via cash – Open the Close via cash form, where you can generate a journal of cash payments to an advance holder to clear the advance account.

  • Close via bank – Open the Close via bank form, where you can generate a journal of bank payments to or from an advance holder to clear the advance account.




To date

Select the date until which all advance holder balances are closed.

Currency distribution

Select this check box to display currency balances.

Exch. adjustment forecast

Select this check box to display the expected exchange adjustment amount that is produced when the balances are settled.


You cannot select this check box when the Currency distribution check box is selected.

By posting profiles

Select this check box to display profile balances.

Personnel number

Enter the code of the advance holder.


The transaction amount in the default currency.

Included exchange adjustment

The exchange adjustment amount.

Exch. adjustment forecast

The exchange adjustment forecast transaction amount.


This field is displayed only if you select the Exch. adjustment forecast check box.


The current currency code.


This field is displayed only if you select the Currency distribution check box.

Amount in transaction currency

The advance holder amount in the transaction currency that is specified in the Currency field.


This field is displayed only if you select the Currency distribution check box.

Posting profile

The posting profile that is used to post the transactions.


This field is displayed only if you select the By posting profiles check box.

See also

(RUS) Balance turnover register (employees) (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).