Job Scheduler Configuration in Microsoft HPC Pack
The HPC Job Scheduler Service runs on the head node and queues incoming jobs and tasks, allocates resources, dispatches tasks to nodes, and monitors the status of jobs, tasks, and nodes.
You can adjust how resources are allocated to jobs, and how jobs are handled, by configuring the HPC Job Scheduler Service. This section provides detailed information about the configuration options.
The order of the job queue is based on job priority level and submit time. Jobs with higher priority levels run before lower priority jobs. The job submit time determines the order within each priority level. Job Templates are your primary method for defining custom job submission policies for your cluster. A job template allows you to associate a set of default values and value constraints for job properties with a particular set of users. See also Managing the Job Queue.
Configure the HPC Job Scheduler Service: How to open the scheduler configuration dialog box.
Understanding Policy Configuration: The Scheduling Mode and associated settings help you optimize resource allocation for large batch and MPI workloads or for service workloads.
Understanding E-mail Notifications: When enabled, job owners can request notification when their jobs start and complete.
Understanding Error Handling: These settings affect when the scheduler flags a node as Unreachable, the time limits for job and task clean-up, and limits on how many nodes can be excluded from a job.
Understanding Backfilling: Backfilling can help increase cluster utilization by allowing smaller jobs farther back in the queue to run ahead of a job waiting at the front of the queue.
Understanding Activation and Submission Filters: The job scheduler can run custom filters on jobs that are submitted to the cluster or on queued jobs that are about to start. The exit code returned by the filter determines how the job scheduler processes the job.
Install Submission and Activation Filters in Microsoft HPC Pack: How to install the filters on the head node and add the filters to the job scheduler configuration.
Understanding Job History: Configure the data retention period for the HPCScheduler and HPCDiagnostics databases and the broker node MSMQ.
Understanding Affinity: Defines how affinity is managed for tasks.
Enabling and Configuring Resource Pools: Helps you guarantee availability of computing resources for different user groups or job types.
Configuring the Runtime Data Share: How to configure a shared folder to support common data features for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) jobs.