
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2



POP3 service command line administration tool.

  • winpop

  • winpop set

  • winpop get



winpop [add {DomainName | UserName@DomainName [/createuserPassword]}] [delete {DomainName | UserName@DomainName [/deleteuser]}]

[list [DomainName]]

[lock {DomainName | UserName@DomainName}]

[unlock {DomainName | UserName@DomainName}]

[stat [DomainName]]


[createquotafileUserName@DomainName [**/user:**UserName]]



  • add {DomainName | UserName@DomainName [/createuserPassword]}
    Creates a new domain or mailbox. If you are using Active Directory integrated authentication or local Windows accounts authentication, you must create a user account when creating a mailbox, unless one exists already. If you are using encrypted password file authentication, you must create a user account using the /createuser switch, otherwise you will be unable to create the mailbox. The user account created when using encrypted password file authentication does not have logon rights. The maximum length for a mailbox name is 20 characters for local Windows accounts authentication, and 64 characters for encrypted password file authentication or Active Directory integrated authentication. The minimum length is 1 character. The value for DomainName must be the fully qualified domain name (for example,
  • delete {DomainName | UserName@DomainName [/deleteuser**]}**
    Deletes an existing domain or mailbox. When deleting a mailbox, you can specify to delete the associated user account, if it exists.


  • Deleting a domain will delete all the mailboxes in that domain, the corresponding mail store directories, and all e-mail stored in those directories.
  • list [DomainName]
    Lists all POP3 service domains or, if the domain value is specified, all the mailboxes in the domain.
  • lock {DomainName | UserName@DomainName}
    Locks a domain or a mailbox. If a domain is locked all the mailboxes in the domain are locked and all users attempting to retrieve e-mail are denied a connection. Incoming e-mail for the domain is still received and delivered to the appropriate mailbox directory in the mail store. The POP3 service will continue to send outgoing mail.
  • unlock {DomainName | UserName@DomainName}
    Unlock a previously locked domain and all mailboxes in the domain or a single mailbox, if that mailbox is not locked as part of a domain lock. All users attempting to download mail from the POP3 service will be able to connect and retrieve e-mail again.
  • stat [DomainName]
    Displays server statistics: total number of mailboxes, total disk usage, total number of stored e-mail, the lock/unlock status of the domains, and the total number of domains. When the DomainName option is passed, displays the following domain statistics: total number of mailboxes in the domain, the lock/unlock status of the individual mailboxes, total size of the domain, and total number of e-mail messages stored in the domain.
  • changepwd UserName@DomainName NewPassword
    Changes the password of the mailbox's user account.
  • Createquotafile UserName@DomainName [/user:UserName]
    Creates a quota file for the user specified. The /user switch specifies a different user account for the quota to reference.
  • migrateToAD UserName@DomainName
    Migrates an encrypted password file authentication user account, including its password, to an Active Directory user account. This command can be used only if the current authentication method is encrypted password file authentication.
  • Help
    Displays help for winpop on screen.

winpop set


winpop set [portPortNumber]

[logging {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}]

[authentication {1 | 2 | 3}]







[socketValue Value Value Value]

[sparequired {0 | 1}]

  • port PortNumber
    Sets the port on which the POP3 service listens for POP3 e-mail clients and responds to connection requests. The value for PortNumber must be between 1 - 65535.
  • logging {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}
    Sets the event logging level for the POP3 service.
Value Description


No logging


Only critical events are logged


Critical and warning events are logged


Critical, warning, and informational events are logged

  • authentication {1 | 2 | 3}
    You can use the abbreviated version of this command, auth. If the computer on which the POP3 service is running is a domain controller, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Active Directory integrated authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • If the computer on which the POP3 service is running is an Active Directory member server, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Active Directory integrated authentication


Local Windows accounts authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • Otherwise, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Local Windows accounts authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • mailroot Path
    Sets the mail store directory for the POP3 service. The value for Path must be either a directory on the local file system or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. The maximum allowable value is 260 characters.
  • threadcount Value
    Sets the number of threads to run for the POP3 service. The value for Value must be between 1 - 32, equal to the number of CPUs installed on the computer on which the POP3 service is running.
  • socketmax Value
    Sets the maximum number of sockets the service will create. Once the number of sockets specified by socketmaxValue has been reached, any new connection attempts are held until an existing connection is disconnected. Defaults to 50. The value for socketmaxValue must be between 1 - 32000 and greater than socketminValue + socketthresholdValue.
  • socketmin Value
    Sets the minimum number of sockets the service will maintain. Defaults to 10. The value for socketminValue must be between 1 - 32000 and less than socketmaxValue.
  • socketbacklog Value
    Sets the number of connections that are held in a waiting state once socketmaxValue has been reached. For the number of connection attempts between socketmaxValue and socketmaxValue + socketbacklogValue, connections will be accepted but will not receive any response until a new socket becomes available. Once socketbacklog is filled, new connections attempts are denied. The value for socketbacklogValue must be between 0 - 100.
  • socketthreshold Value
    Sets the number of new sockets to create at a time. Once the existing sockets are used, if there are still remaining sockets available, then N number of new sockets will be created, where N is the value of socketthreshold. The value for socketthresholdValue must be between 0 - 100 and greater than 0 unless socketminValue = socketmaxValue.
  • sparequired
    Sets the mail server to require Secure Password Authentication for all client connections. When set to 1, e-mail clients are not allowed to authenticate if they are using plaintext authentication. The default is 0.
Value Description


Secure Password Authentication is not required (default setting)


Secure Password Authentication is required for all client connections

winpop get


winpop get [port] [logging] [authentication] [mailroot] [threadcount] [socketmax] [socketmin] [socketbacklog] [socketthreshold] [socket] [sparequired]

  • port
    Displays the port on which the POP3 service is configured.
  • logging
    Displays the configured event logging level for the POP3 service.
Value Description


No logging


Only critical events are logged


Critical and warning events are logged


Critical, warning, and informational events are logged

  • authentication
    Displays the configured authentication method for the POP3 service. You can use the abbreviated version of this command, auth. If the computer on which the POP3 service is running is a domain controller, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Active Directory integrated authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • If the computer on which the POP3 service is running is an Active Directory member server, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Active Directory integrated authentication


Local Windows accounts authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • Otherwise, use the values in the following table.
Value Description


Local Windows accounts authentication


Encrypted password file authentication

  • mailroot
    Displays the configured mail store directory for the POP3 service.
  • threadcount
    Displays the number of threads configured to run for the POP3 service.
  • socketmax
    Displays the maximum number of sockets the service will create.
  • socketmin
    Displays the minimum number of sockets the service will maintain.
  • socketbacklog
    Displays the number of connections that are held in a waiting state once SocketMax has been reached.
  • socketthreshold
    Displays the number of new sockets to create at a time.
  • sparequired
    Displays whether the mail server has been configured to require Secure Password Authentication for all client connections.
Value Description


Secure Password Authentication is not required (default setting)


Secure Password Authentication is required for all client connections


To lock all the mailboxes in the domain, type: winpop lock

To set the port to 110, type: winpop set port 110

To set the mail store to the C:\mailstore directory on the local hard disk, type: winpop set mailroot C:\mailstore

To set the logging level such that only critical events are recorded in the Event Viewer, type: winpop set logging 1

To return the current port for the POP3 service, type: winpop get port

To return the current logging level for the POP3 service, type: winpop get logging

Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

See Also


Command-line reference
Command-line reference A-Z