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About the Editor console

Updated: February 10, 2010

Applies To: Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG), Unified Access Gateway

Use the Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) Editor console to view or edit Forefront UAG files, such as configuration files, which are automatically encrypted during day-to-day operations. On other occasions, you might need to create a file which has to be encrypted.

Using the Editor console, you can:

  • Open and edit text (ascii) files, for example: .ini files

  • Decrypt and edit encrypted files

  • Use the Sort and Find capabilities to locate the required section within a file

  • Convert selections of text within the file to and from Base64 format

  • Save and encrypt files

  • Open multiple files simultaneously

  • Find an application type

Layout of the editor

Button Description


Opens an existing text file

Save As Encrypted

Saves the file with encryption

Save As Decrypted

Saves the file as a non-encrypted ascii file


Cuts the selected text


Saves a copy of the selected text in the clipboard


Paste a copy of the text in the clipboard to the cursor location


Finds text


Print the file

Convert to Base64

Convert the selection from ascii format to Base64 format

Convert from Base64

Convert the selection from Base64 format to ascii format

Open Sorted

Open a file sorted in alphabetical order


Reload the current file without saving the current changes

Editing a file with the Editor console

Edit a file with the Editor console as follows:

To edit files with the Editor

  1. Open the Editor console It's just installed at in the bin folder of the Forefront UAG installation folder (By default %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway\Common\bin).

  2. In the toolbar of the Editor console, click the file icon, select the file you wish to open, and click Open. If the file you are opening is encrypted, enter your passphrase in the Passphrase field.


    Once you open the file, the title bar indicates whether the file is encrypted or not.

  3. Edit the file. You can drag and drop files to the editing interface, and open multiple files simultaneously. You can convert text from Base64 format to ascii format, and vice versa. You can search for a text string in a file, and sort the contents of an open file alphabetically.

  4. Save the file in one of these ways:

    • Select File > Save from the menu bar to save the file in its original state (encrypted or without encryption).

    • Click the red Save icon to save the file as an encrypted file.

    • Click the blue Save icon to save the file without encryption.

Finding an application type

Some of the Forefront UAG configuration options, such as URL inspection rules sets, application customizers, and host address translation (HAT) configuration with the Application Access Portal configuration file, can be applied per application-type. That is, for all applications of a specific type. When you configure an option for an application-type, you have to enter the type of the application. You can use the Editor console to find the definition of the application-type and use it when configuring the application-type option in IAG. Find the application-type of an application as follows:

To find the application-type

  1. In the Forefront UAG Management console, select the required trunk.

  2. In a trunk that publishes a portal, double-click the application in the Applications list. In a trunk that directly publishes a Web application, click Configure next to Application Properties.

  3. On the General tab note the Application ID number.

  4. For HTTPS trunks, use the Editor console to open the HTTPS_Filter.ini file. For HTTP trunks, use the Editor console to open the HTTP_Filter.ini file.

    The files are located in the following folder: Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway \Von\Conf\Websites\<Trunk_Name>\Conf.

  5. In the file, search for a section with a section title that matches the application ID that you noted.

  6. In the relevant section, the name of the application-type in displayed in the parameter ApplicationType.