Index schema cmdlets (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)
Gilt für: FAST Search Server 2010
Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2015-03-09
Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint provides a full set of cmdlets to customize the administration of metadata extracted from content sources and to make that metadata searchable.
The FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint index schema controls which managed properties are indexed, searchable, and available for viewing. The index schema cmdlets work with metadata extracted from content sources. Metadata can be structured content (such as a title or author from a Word document) or unstructured content based on the content of an item (such as a detected language or extracted keywords). When managing metadata, you work with crawled properties and managed properties:
A crawled property is metadata extracted from content sources when you run a crawler or connector.
A managed property is a subset of crawled properties that are searchable. To make metadata searchable, map one or more crawled properties to a managed property. You can also create a full-text index and map the content of a managed property into the full-text index.
Crawled properties can be grouped into a category when they share common attributes. The category properties then control the default behavior of the member crawled properties. For example, you may group crawled properties extracted from SharePoint items into one category.
With schema cmdlets, you can also create rank profiles to control the relevancy calculation of queries, and to adjust the components of a rank profile for improving search result relevance. A rank profile defines the sort order of a result set.
You can configure and map managed properties either with cmdlets or in the UI at Central Administration > Search Service Application: FAST Search Administration > Property Management.
In this section:
Manage crawled properties
Manage categories
Manage mapped properties
Manage managed properties
Manage full-text indexes
Manage full-text indexes mapping
Manage rank profiles
A crawled property is a piece of metadata, either structured or unstructured, that is extracted from content repositories. The main purpose of discovering crawled properties is to discover content that should be searchable. Crawled properties that are searchable are mapped to managed properties.
Crawled properties are automatically discovered and reported to the index schema model when content that contains the property is fed into the system. If you want to map a crawled property before it is discovered (that is, before items are indexed), you can create the crawled property using the New-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledProperty cmdlet. This is useful if you are creating a complete deployment script for a new installation before you start a crawl, or when you are moving a deployment configuration from a staging environment to production.
There are two ways to make a crawled property searchable:
Use the Set-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledProperty cmdlet to specify that the crawled property will be mapped to the default full-text index.
Map the crawled property to a managed property. This method provides additional configuration options. They include the following:
Map the property to other full-text index fields.
Configure the managed property for search result sorting.
Configure the property for query refinement.
Make the property searchable as metadata.
Return the property as part of the query hit list.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to specify crawled properties:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve one or more crawled properties from FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Create a new crawled property from extracted metadata |
Specify if a crawled property is indexed as part of the default full-text index named content |
A category contains several crawled properties that are grouped together for specifying common properties. The properties of the category control the default behavior of the member crawled properties. For example, you can group crawled properties extracted from Lotus Notes databases into one category.
A category can be mapped to a full-text index just as you would map individual crawled properties to a full-text index. This simplifies making all properties from one content repository searchable without mapping each property individually. This also ensures that new properties from a repository are automatically discovered and indexed.
You cannot map a category to one managed property.
You will not have to create categories often, because they are usually defined by the protocol handler of the connector. However, one common scenario for creating a new category is when you want to handle the same properties from multiple repositories differently, even if the properties were retrieved by the same connector. For example, you may have to map categories to different managed properties.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to define and manage categories:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve one or more categories from FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Create a new category for crawled properties |
Change the settings of a crawled property category and map a category to the content full-text index |
Delete a crawled property category from your installation |
A managed property is content or metadata associated with an item that may be searched or used in other ways, such as being displayed in search results or used for query refinement. To define the content of managed properties, you create mappings from one or more crawled properties to a managed property. For example, if you have two crawled properties called author and editor, you may want to map them into a name property so that the source properties are searchable as one field.
You can also map properties in the UI at Central Administration > Search Service Application: FAST Search Administration > Property Management.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to associate crawled properties with managed properties:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve a list of crawled properties that are mapped to a managed property |
Map a crawled property to one or more managed properties |
Replace a managed property's crawled property mappings with a different set of mappings |
Remove the mapping of a crawled property to a managed property while still keeping both properties in FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
A managed property is content or metadata associated with an item that may be searched or used in other ways, such as being displayed in search results or used for query refinement. To make metadata searchable, first define the managed properties. Then, map the crawled properties that should be searchable to a managed property. At this point, the crawled metadata is searchable as a field. To search this metadata automatically as a general part of the item, map the content of a managed property into the default full-text index (known as content) for querying. You can create additional full-text indexes if you only want this mapping to apply to selected queries.
You can also configure managed properties in the UI with Central Administration > Search Service Application: FAST Search Administration > Property Management.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to specify managed properties:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve one or more managed properties |
Create a new managed property in FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Update the features of an existing managed property |
Remove a managed property, its full-text index mappings, and its crawled property mappings from FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Full-text indexes are the main searchable content of a FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint system (a search system can also include fielded searching).
To specify the content that should be included in the indexes, map managed properties into the full-text indexes.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to manage full-text indexes:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve one or more full-text index objects |
Create a new full-text index in FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Enable and disable stemming in a full-text index; edit the description of a full-text index |
Remove a full-text index and its content from FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint while keeping the managed properties that were mapped to the full-text index |
To specify the metadata content that should be included in a full-text index for searching, define mappings from managed properties to full-text indexes. You can group properties into a full-text index so that searchers can query over multiple properties at the same time, and so that multiple properties are presented as one unique name in your search application. By mapping multiple properties into one index, you can also facilitate dynamic relevancy ranking of queries.
The default full-text index (known as content) is the target for free-text queries, accessed when a searcher does not specify a property or index in a query. You can create additional full-text indexes if you want selected queries to target a set of properties other than those specified in the default full-text index.
You can also configure individual managed properties for fielded searching. Fielded searching does not contribute to ranking, and is primarily used by searchers to filter or refine a search result set.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to map managed properties to full-text indexes:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve mappings from managed properties to full-text indexes |
Add the content of a managed property to a full-text index by mapping the managed property into the full-text index |
Change the importance level of an existing full-text index mapping |
Remove the mapping of a managed property to a full-text index while keeping both the managed property and the full-text index in FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
A rank profile defines how relevancy calculations are performed when you search a full text index. A rank profile consists of several components which are weighted when calculating an item's relevance. You can adjust the weights of a profile’s components to improve search result relevance. Rank profile components include the following:
Freshness: how the age of an item affects rank
Proximity: how the distance between query terms affects rank
Authority: how links between Web documents affect rank
Query authority: how user selections in query results affect rank
Context: how different managed properties within the associated full text indexes contribute to the rank
When a user conducts a search, if no rank profile is specified in the query, the default rank profile is used. Searchers can sort search results by a selected rank profile.
To use the cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.
Use these cmdlets to manage rank profiles:
Task | Cmdlet |
Retrieve rank profiles by name |
Create a rank profile; use default values or base the rank profile on the properties of an existing rank profile FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
Adjust the relevancy components of a rank profile to improve search result relevance |
Delete a rank profile from the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint system (the default rank profile cannot be deleted) |