MSExchangeFDS 1013


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

Dieser Artikel bietet eine Erläuterung und mögliche Lösungen für ein bestimmtes Exchange-Ereignis. Wenn Sie hier das Gesuchte nicht finden können, durchsuchen Sie die Exchange 2010-Hilfe.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Process %1 (PID=%2). Remote file %3 not found. Current synchronization task aborted.


This Error event indicates that the file that is specified in the event description is missing. The Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service requires this file to complete the file synchronization task. By default, the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service synchronizes offline address book (OAB) files every eight hours between Exchange servers that have the Mailbox server role and the Client Access server role installed. The service also distributes custom Unified Messaging (UM) prompts.

This event may occur when one of the following conditions is true:

  • One or more OAB files are missing on a Mailbox server. These address book files exist in every OAB directory (represented by its GUID) in the ExchangeOAB file share.
  • One or more Unified Messaging files are missing on an Exchange server that has the Unified Messaging server role installed.

User Action

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

  1. If the file that is specified in the event description is an OAB file, regenerate the file by using the following procedure:

    1. Note the OAB GUID that follows the ExchangeOAB file share in the event description.
    2. Run the following Exchange Management Shell command:
      Update-OfflineAddressBook -Identity <offline address book identifier>
      Note   In this command, replace <offline address book identifier> with the GUID that you noted in step 1. For more information, see Aktualisieren des Offlineadressbuchs.
    3. Restart the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service from the Microsoft Windows Services console on the Exchange server that logged this event.
      If this procedure does not resolve the error, move all the files from the OAB directory (indicated by the GUID that you determined in step 1) on the ExchangeOAB file share to any other directory. Then, follow steps b and c again.
  2. If the file that is specified in the event description is a Unified Messaging file, use one or both of the following methods:

    • If you have multiple UM servers, copy the missing file from another UM server.
    • Rerecord the missing file.

For More Information

Wenn dies nicht bereits der Fall ist, sollten Sie die Exchange-Tools ausführen, die für die Analyse und Problembehandlung der Exchange-Umgebung erstellt wurden. Mit diesen Tools kann sichergestellt werden, dass Ihre Konfiguration die bewährten Methoden von Microsoft einhält. Sie tragen zudem zur Identifikation und zur Lösung von Leistungsproblemen bei, und können die Nachrichtenübermittlung verbessern. Sie können diese Tools über den Knoten Toolbox in der Exchange-Verwaltungskonsole ausführen. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Tools finden Sie unter Verwalten von Tools in der Toolbox.