MSExchangeRepl 2069


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

Dieser Artikel bietet eine Erläuterung und mögliche Lösungen für ein bestimmtes Exchange-Ereignis. Wenn Sie hier das Gesuchte nicht finden können, durchsuchen Sie die Exchange 2010-Hilfe.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is unable to remove log file %2 for %1 because the file is in use or because of insufficient permissions. The database copy status will be set to Failed. Error: %3


This Error event indicates one of two possible events:

  • As part of replication inspection, the Microsoft® Exchange Replication (MSExchangeRepl) service cannot remove a log file that failed inspection from the inspector directory.
  • As part of replication startup, the replication service cannot clean out old unrelated log files that were in the process of being copied and inspected during a previous replication session. This error occurs if either of the following conditions is true:
    • There is an I/O exception.
    • There are incorrect file permissions when the replication service tries to delete the log file.

Replication for the given storage group goes into a failed state when this error occurs. After the error is resolved, replication resumes.

During the replication process, a log file that is copied to the passive node is inspected for corruption before it is played against the database copy. The inspection occurs in its own directory, which is known as the inspector directory. This directory is located under the directory that is configured for the storage group copy on the passive node.

User Action

To resolve the error, do one or more of the following:

  • Verify that the physical storage is configured correctly. For more information, see How to View Storage Group Configuration in a CCR Environment.
  • Verify that the inspector directory for the storage group can be accessed. Also verify that a file can be created and deleted in that directory. Check and correct the permissions on the directory.
  • Correct any detected storage hardware problems or failures.

For More Information

Wenn dies nicht bereits der Fall ist, sollten Sie die Exchange-Tools ausführen, die für die Analyse und Problembehandlung der Exchange-Umgebung erstellt wurden. Mit diesen Tools kann sichergestellt werden, dass Ihre Konfiguration die bewährten Methoden von Microsoft einhält. Sie tragen zudem zur Identifikation und zur Lösung von Leistungsproblemen bei, und können die Nachrichtenübermittlung verbessern. Sie können diese Tools über den Knoten Toolbox in der Exchange-Verwaltungskonsole ausführen. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Tools finden Sie unter Verwalten von Tools in der Toolbox.