MSExchangeTransport 9007


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

Dieser Artikel bietet eine Erläuterung und mögliche Lösungen für ein bestimmtes Exchange-Ereignis. Wenn Sie hier das Gesuchte nicht finden können, durchsuchen Sie die Exchange 2010-Hilfe.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

File(s) cannot be opened or renamed in %1 by the Pickup directory. Some mail may not be processed by the Pickup directory. Please verify that the Network Service account has "Create Files" permission for this directory, and that files in the directory do not deny read access to the Network Service account.


This Error event indicates that the Network Service user account on the Hub Transport Server or Edge Transport server does not have the correct permissions assigned to it on the Pickup directory or on the Replay directory. A message file that you copy to the Pickup directory or the Replay directory is renamed with a .TMP file name extension during message file processing.

The Pickup directory location is controlled by the PickupDirectoryPath parameter on the Set-TransportServer cmdlet. By default, the Pickup directory is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\TransportRoles\Pickup. The Replay directory location is controlled by the ReplayDirectoryPath parameter on the Set-TransportServer cmdlet. By default, the Replay directory is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\TransportRoles\Replay.

If you change the location of the Pickup directory or the Replay directory, the Microsoft Exchange Transport service uses the security credentials of the Network Service user account to create the new directory and apply the correct permissions. If the new directory does not already exist, and the Network Service account has the rights that are required to create folders and apply permissions at the new location, the new directory is created, and the correct permissions are applied to the directory. If the new directory already exists, the existing folder permissions are not checked.

User Action

To resolve this error, verify that the directory that is specified in the error message text has the following permissions assigned to the Network Services user account:

  • List Folder/Read Data
  • Read Attributes
  • Read Extended Attributes
  • Create Files/Write Data
  • Create Folders/Append Data
  • Write Attributes
  • Write Extended Attributes
  • Delete Subfolders and Files
  • Read Permissions

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For more information, see the following topics:

For More Information

Wenn dies nicht bereits der Fall ist, sollten Sie die Exchange-Tools ausführen, die für die Analyse und Problembehandlung der Exchange-Umgebung erstellt wurden. Mit diesen Tools kann sichergestellt werden, dass Ihre Konfiguration die bewährten Methoden von Microsoft einhält. Sie tragen zudem zur Identifikation und zur Lösung von Leistungsproblemen bei, und können die Nachrichtenübermittlung verbessern. Sie können diese Tools über den Knoten Toolbox in der Exchange-Verwaltungskonsole ausführen. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Tools finden Sie unter Verwalten von Tools in der Toolbox.