MSExchange ADAccess 2927


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

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Product Name


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Event ID




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Message Text

Process %1 (PID=%2).The concurrency controller for resource '%3' detected that a thread stayed in the overflow queue for more than %4 milliseconds, which is a warning that the resource might be unhealthy.


This Information event indicates that the specified resource may be in an unhealthy state because the concurrency controller detected a process thread that stayed in the overflow queue for more than the specified number of milliseconds. Concurrency is the ability of multiple users to access data simultaneously. It is defined as the percentage of the total number of users on a server who are connected and who are using the server at a given peak period of time. The overflow queue contains the maximum number of calls that the queue can hold.

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