MSExchangeTransport 2016
Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19
Dieser Artikel bietet eine Erläuterung und mögliche Lösungen für ein bestimmtes Exchange-Ereignis. Wenn Sie hier das Gesuchte nicht finden können, durchsuchen Sie die Exchange 2010-Hilfe.
Product Name |
Exchange |
Product Version |
14.0 |
Event ID |
2016 |
Event Source |
MSExchangeTransport |
Category |
SmtpSend |
Symbolic Name |
SmtpSendAuthenticationInitializationFailed |
Message Text |
An authentication credential initialization error %1 occurred with Send connector %2. The authentication mechanism used was %3. The name of the server that we were trying to authenticate to was %4. This server was using the name %5. Try reentering the credential. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support Services. |
This Error event indicates that the specified Send connector on the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server experienced an authentication credential initialization failure with the specified remote server.
When a Send connector is configured to route outbound messages to a smart host, the following authentication methods are available:
- None
- Basic authentication
- Basic authentication over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Exchange Server authentication
- Externally Secured
In the Exchange Management Console, you set the authentication methods for outbound connections to a smart host on the Configure smart host authentication settings page after you click Change on the Network tab of the Send connector properties page.
In the Exchange Management Shell, you set the authentication methods for outbound connections to a smart host by using the SmartHostAuthMechanism parameter on the Set-SendConnector cmdlet.
To resolve this error, do one or more of the following:
- Verify that the Send connector and the destination smart host are configured to use a common authentication method with the correct credentials and required certificates.
- Re-enter the username and password on the specified Send connector and at the remote server.
- Make sure that the server that logged this event can connect to the specified remote server. For example, use the Ping or PathPing command-line tools to test basic connectivity. Use Ping to isolate network hardware problems and incompatible configurations. Use PathPing to detect packet loss over multiple-hop trips. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 325487, Advanced network adapter troubleshooting for Windows workstations.
For more information, see the following topics:
- Grundlegendes zu Sendeconnectors
- Konfigurieren der Eigenschaften von Sendeconnectors
- Set-SendConnector
Wenn dies nicht bereits der Fall ist, sollten Sie die Exchange-Tools ausführen, die für die Analyse und Problembehandlung der Exchange-Umgebung erstellt wurden. Mit diesen Tools kann sichergestellt werden, dass Ihre Konfiguration die bewährten Methoden von Microsoft einhält. Sie tragen zudem zur Identifikation und zur Lösung von Leistungsproblemen bei, und können die Nachrichtenübermittlung verbessern. Sie können diese Tools über den Knoten Toolbox in der Exchange-Verwaltungskonsole ausführen. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Tools finden Sie unter Verwalten von Tools in der Toolbox.