MSExchangeTransport 1024


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

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Product Name


Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

SMTP rejected a (%4) mail from '%1' with '%2' connector and user authenticated as '%3'. There was a transient Active Directory directory service exception thrown with the following information. %5


This Error event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service SMTP Receive component can't process an SMTP message submission from a particular user.

The Microsoft Exchange Transport service controls the sending and receiving of messages in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. The Exchange 2010 transport pipeline uses the SMTP Receive component to validate the message content before the message can be submitted to the Submission queue. The SMTP Receive component applies a series of receive events and, if configured, antivirus and anti-spam events to validate the message. Additionally, the SMTP Receive component contacts the Active Directory directory service to validate users who submit messages for delivery. This includes connections to route internal users' messages among servers.

This event represents an authentication error for a user who tries to submit an SMTP message. This event could be logged when the user does not have sufficient rights to send as a particular user.

For more information, see the following topics.

User Action

To troubleshoot this issue, do one or more of the following:

  • Überprüfen Sie das Anwendungsprotokoll und das Systemprotokoll auf den Exchange 2010-Servern auf verwandte Ereignisse. Ereignisse, die unmittelbar vor oder nach diesem Ereignis auftreten, können z. B. weitere Informationen zur eigentlichen Ursache dieses Fehlers zur Verfügung stellen.
  • Review the Operations Console in Operations Manager for detailed information about the cause of this problem. For more information, see the "Introduction" section in this article.
  • Enable diagnostics logging on the affected receive connector. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Run the following commands from the Exchange Management shell:
      Set-ReceiveConnector "name of connector" -ProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose
      Set-TransportServer Exchange01 -ConnectivityLogEnabled $true
      Set-TransportServer "Exchange01" -IntraOrgProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose
    2. After Event ID 1023 is logged, examine the SmtpReceive log file. By default, this file is located in the following directory:
      %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive
  • Examine the %5 parameter in the event description to determine the reason for the authentication failure. If the parameter value is Access is denied, examine the permissions on the affected mailbox. To do this, run the following command from the Exchange Management Shell:
    Get-Mailbox | Get-ADPermission | where {$_.ExtendedRights -like "Send-As" -and $_.User -like "tailspintoys\user1" -and $_.Deny -eq $false} | ft Identity,User,IsInherited -AutoSize
  • Assign the user Send As permissions to the mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Start the Exchange Management Console.
    2. Expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
    3. Click the affected mailbox, and then click Manage Send As Permission in the Actions pane.
    4. Click Add, and then add the user to the mailbox.
      You can also run the following command from the Exchange Management Shell to assign the user Send As permissions to the mailbox. To do this, run the following command:
      Add-ADPermission -Identity 'CN=User1,CN=Users,DC=tailspintoys,DC=com' -User 'TAILSPINTOYS\User2' -ExtendedRights 'Send-As'
      In this command, User1 represents the name of the affected mailbox and User2 represents the name of the user who should have Send-As permissions to the affected mailbox.
      For more information, see Verwalten der Berechtigung "Senden als" für ein Postfach.
  • Lösen Sie Ihr Problem über die Optionen zur Selbsthilfe, die Optionen für technischen Support und andere Ressourcen. Sie können auf diese Ressourcen über das Exchange Server Solutions Center (möglicherweise in englischer Sprache) zugreifen. Klicken Sie auf dieser Seite im Navigationsbereich auf Optionen zur Selbsthilfe, um die Optionen zur Selbsthilfe zu verwenden. Zu den Optionen zur Selbsthilfe gehört das Durchsuchen der Microsoft Knowledge Base, das Stellen einer Frage in den Exchange Server-Foren und andere Methoden. Alternativ können Sie im Navigationsbereich auf Optionen für technischen Support klicken, um Kontakt mit einem Microsoft-Supportspezialisten aufzunehmen. Da es in Ihrer Organisation ein bestimmtes Verfahren für den direkten Kontakt mit dem Microsoft-Produktsupport geben kann, sollten Sie zuerst die Richtlinien Ihrer Organisation prüfen.

For more information about the transport pipeline in Exchange 2010, see the following topics:

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