MSExchangeRPCHTTPAutoconfig 3012


Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2011-03-19

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Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

A Client Access array has been added or removed. The Client Access array registry setting has been modified.%n%nOld value: %1%nNew value: %2


This event indicates that the Client Access array registry setting has been changed because a Client Access array was added to or removed from the network environment. You can determine whether a Client Access array was added or removed by comparing the old and new values that are specified in the message text.

A Client Access array is an object that represents a load-balanced array of Client Access servers within a single Active Directory site. For more information about the Client Access array, view the topic Grundlegendes zum RPC-Clientzugriff.

User Action

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