Error ID: 3303

Letzte Aktualisierung: Januar 2013

Betrifft: System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager

Error ID 3303 — Data Protection Manager

At this time, no additional information is available for this error. The information provided below is identical to the error message content. However, your request for more information has been recorded, and additional information might be added to this topic at a future date.

To provide feedback about the types of information that would help you resolve this error, please contact the DPM Documentation Team.



System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM)






Symbolic Name


Library drive <LibraryDrive> in <Library> is not functioning and library jobs may fail until the drive is repaired. The drive is not functioning for the following reason:

User Action

No user action is required.

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