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FAQ for Microsoft Rights Management Sharing Application

for Windows

This page provides answers to common questions about the Microsoft Rights Management sharing application for Windows.


What can I do with the RMS sharing application?

This cool app enhances File Explorer to allow you to right-click and protect and share a single file, or bulk-protect multiple files or all files within a selected folder.

  • You can protect any type of file.
  • The app has a built-in viewer for commonly used text and image file types.
  • Additionally, the app adds new buttons to the Microsoft Office toolbar for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel so that you can easily share protected Office files. 

How do I create a new account to use this app?

Go to to create a new account. If your organization already has Azure RMS, you can use your credentials to log in.


Can I sign up with my personal email address?

Not yet. Today, you can sign up only with your business email address. Support for consumer email addresses is coming soon.


When I protect a picture, it creates a PJPG file. What’s that?

A PJPG (or PJPEG) file is a digital photographic image that has been protected with an RMS policy. Only the users with whom you share the file can open it, according to the rights defined in the policy.


I see an option to use custom permissions. What's that?

Custom permissions can be used to limit file access to a specific list of individuals identified by their email addresses and to limit the use of the file to only specific rights, such as read-only rights to a document.


Why do I have to consent before viewing a protected .pfile file?

Consent is required to validate that you are aware of the following:

  • The owner of the document expects you to honor the rights.
  • Opening this content in a third-party application will be audited.

My question has not been answered. What should I do?

See the Microsoft Rights Management sharing application user's guide for detailed help. You can also click Participate in the forum on the rightmost side of this page to ask a question and have it answered.


Common issues


"Access Denied" error when protecting a file.

You are trying to protect a file in a directory to which you do not have write access. Copy the file to a directory to which you have write access, and then protect it.


"0x80070032 – The request is not supported" message when attempting to protect a .giff file

We currently don’t support protecting .giff files. Change the file extension to .gif and then protect it.


"Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Error Code: 0x8007000E"

Are you trying to protect a file larger than 256 MB? We currently cannot protect large files.


“The parameter is incorrect. Error code 0x80070057”

This can occur if the KB 2533623 update is not installed on your computer. Install the update file and try again.


The string next to the last checkbox on the ‘Share Protected’ dialog is not fully visible.

The string ‘Allow me to instantly revoke access to these documents’ is truncated in the following languages:

bg-BG (Bulgarian), de-DE (German), el-GR (Greek), eu-ES (Basque), gl-ES (Galician), hu-HU (Hungarian),
it-IT (Italian), nb-NO (Norwegian, Bokmål), pl-PL (Polish), pt-BR (Portuguese (Brazil)), pt-PT (Portuguese (Portugal)),
ru-RU (Russian), uk-UA (Ukrainian)

This will be fixed in a future release.


Limitations for Office 2010 and Azure RMS

These limitations apply only to this configuration.

  • Multiple people on the same computer cannot view protected documents from Azure RMS.
    When you install the RMS sharing application in this configuration, the installation configures settings for your account. Other users who log on to your computer will not be able to view protected documents from Azure RMS.
  • You cannot change your organizational account that you use for the RMS sharing application.
    Reinstalling the RMS sharing application does not let you change the original organizational account that you used previously on that computer.
  • You cannot change your user account in Office 2010 after the RMS application has been installed on your computer.
    If you change your user account in Office after the RMS sharing application has been installed, Office 2010 will no longer work with Azure RMS.
  • You cannot sign in with multiple accounts.
    Office 2010 and Azure RMS do not support more than one account per user.