Use batch migration to migrate legacy public folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365
Summary: Use these procedures to move your Exchange 2010 public folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365.
This article describes how to migrate your public folders in a cutover or staged migration from Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (SP3) to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and Exchange Online.
This article refers to the Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 server as the legacy Exchange server. Also, the steps in this article apply to both Exchange Online and Microsoft 365 or Office 365. The terms might be used interchangeably in this article.
We recommend that you don't use Outlook's PST export feature to migrate public folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 or Exchange Online. Microsoft 365, Office 365, and Exchange Online public folder mailbox growth is managed using an auto-split feature that splits the public folder mailbox when it exceeds size quotas. Auto-split can't handle the sudden growth of public folder mailboxes when you use PST export to migrate your public folders and you might have to wait for up to two weeks for auto-split to move the data from the primary mailbox. We recommend that you use the cmdlet-based instructions in this document to migrate public folders to Microsoft 365, Office 365, or Exchange Online. However, if you elect to migrate public folders using PST export, see the Migrate Public Folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 by using Outlook PST export section later in this article.
You do the migration using the *-MigrationBatch cmdlets, in addition to the following PowerShell scripts:
SourceSideValidations.ps1: Source Side Validation script scans the public folders at source and reports issues found along with action to fix the issues. You run this script on the legacy on-premises Exchange server.
Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1: This script creates the folder name-to-folder size mapping file. You run this script on the legacy Exchange server.
Export-PublicFolderStatistics.psd1: This support file is used by the Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 script and should be downloaded to the same location.
PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1: This script creates the public folder-to-mailbox mapping file by using the output from the Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 script. You run this script on the legacy Exchange server.
PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.strings.psd1: This support file is used by the PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 script and should be downloaded to the same location.
Create-PublicFolderMailboxesForMigration.ps1: This script creates the target public folder mailboxes for the migration. In addition, this script calculates the number of mailboxes necessary to handle the estimated user load, based on the guidelines for the number of user logons per public folder mailbox recommended in Limits for Public Folders.
Create-PublicFolderMailboxesForMigration.strings.psd1: This support file is used by the Create-PublicFolderMailboxesForMigration.ps1 script and should be downloaded to the same location.
Sync-MailPublicFolders.ps1: This script synchronizes mail-enabled public folder objects between your local Exchange deployment and Microsoft 365 or Office 365. You run this script on the legacy Exchange server.
SyncMailPublicFolders.strings.psd1: This is a support file used by the Sync-MailPublicFolders.ps1 script and should be copied to the same location as the preceding scripts.
Step 1: Download the migration scripts provides details about where to download these scripts. Make sure all scripts are downloaded to the same location.
What versions of Exchange are supported for migrating public folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and Exchange Online?
Exchange supports moving your public folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and Exchange Online from the following legacy versions of Exchange Server:
Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 or later
If you need to move your public folders to Exchange Online but your on-premises servers aren't running the minimum support versions of Exchange 2010, we strongly recommend that you upgrade your on-premises servers and use batch migration, which is the only supported public folder migration method.
You can't migrate public folders directly from Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007. If you're running Exchange 2007 or earlier in your organization, you need to move all public folder databases and replicas to Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 or later. No public folder replicas can remain on Exchange 2007 or earlier. Additionally, mail destined for an Exchange 2013 or later public folder can't be routed through an Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 server.
What do you need to know before you begin?
The Exchange 2010 server needs to be running Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 or later.
In Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and Exchange Online, you need to be a member of the Organization Management role group. This role group is different from the permissions assigned to you when you first enrolled. For details about how to enable the Organization Management role group, see Manage role groups in Exchange Online.
In Exchange 2010, you need to be a member of the Organization Management or Server Management RBAC role groups. For details, see Add Members to a Role Group.
Before you begin the public folder migration, if any single public folder in your organization is larger than 25 GB, we recommend that you delete content from that folder to make it smaller. Or, we recommend that you divide the public folder's content into multiple, smaller public folders. The 25 GB limit cited here only applies to the public folder and not to any child or subfolders. If neither option is feasible, we recommend that you don't move your public folders to Exchange Online. For more information, see Exchange Online Limits.
If your current public folder quotas in Exchange Online are less than 25 GB, you can use the Set-OrganizationConfig cmdlet to increase them with the DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota and DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota parameters.
In Microsoft 365, Office 365, and Exchange Online, you can create a maximum of 1,000 public folder mailboxes.
Before you migrate your public folders, we recommend that you first move all user mailboxes to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and Exchange Online. For details, see Ways to migrate multiple email accounts to Microsoft 365 or Office 365. However, you still need to keep in the on-premises environment the mailbox for PF admin performing migration or create new PF admin account and assign a mailbox hosted on the legacy Exchange server.
Outlook Anywhere needs to be enabled on the legacy Exchange server. For details about enabling Outlook Anywhere on Exchange 2010 servers, see Enable Outlook Anywhere.
You can't use the Exchange admin center (EAC) or the Exchange Management Console (EMC) to perform this procedure. On the legacy Exchange servers, you need to use the Exchange Management Shell. For Exchange Online, you need to use Exchange Online PowerShell. For more information, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.
You must use a single migration batch to migrate all of your public folder data. Exchange allows creating only one migration batch at a time. If you attempt to create more than one migration batch simultaneously, you get an error.
Before you begin, we recommend that you read this article in its entirety as downtime is required for some steps.
Verify if the DefaultPublicFolderAgeLimit is configured on the organization level (Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List DefaultPublicFolderAgeLimit) or if you have any AgeLimit (Get-PublicFolder <FolderPath> | Format-List AgeLimit) configured for the individual Public Folders, so that automatic deletions of the content to be prevented.
Save the scripts to the local computer where you intend to run PowerShell. For example, C:\PFScripts. Make sure all scripts are saved in the same location.
Save the scripts to the same location you did for step 2. For example, C:\PFScripts.
Step 2: Prepare for the migration
Perform the following prerequisite steps before you begin the migration.
We strongly recommend running the Source Side Validation script from an on-premises Exchange 2010 server with the Mailbox role installed. The script scans and reports issues that are known to cause migration to be slow, along with guidance to fix these issues. Use the examples described here.
General prerequisite steps
Make sure that there are no orphaned public folder mail objects in Active Directory, meaning objects in Active Directory without a corresponding Exchange object.
Confirm that SMTP email address configured for public folders in Active Directory match the SMTP email addresses on the Exchange objects.
Make sure that there are no duplicate public folder objects in Active Directory, to avoid a situation where two or more Active Directory objects are pointing to the same mail-enabled public folder.
Prerequisite steps on the legacy Exchange server
We strongly recommend running the Source Side Validation script from an on-premises Exchange 2010 server with the Mailbox role installed. The script scans and reports issues that are known to cause migration to be slow, along with guidance to fix these issues. Use the examples as documented here. The script does all the following prerequisites.
On the legacy Exchange server, make sure that routing to the mail-enabled public folders in the cloud continues to work until all DNS caches over the internet are updated to point to the cloud DNS where your organization now resides. Run the following command to configure an accepted domain with a well-known name that properly routes email messages to the cloud domain.
If the accepted domain already exists in your on-premises environment, rename it to PublicFolderDestination_78c0b207_5ad2_4fee_8cb9_f373175b3f99 and leave the other attributes intact.
To check if the accepted domain is already present in your on-premises environment, run the following command:
Get-AcceptedDomain | Where {$_.DomainName -eq "<target domain>"}
To rename the accepted domain to PublicFolderDestination_78c0b207_5ad2_4fee_8cb9_f373175b3f99, run the following command:
If you're expecting your mail-enabled public folders in Exchange Online to receive external emails from the Internet, you have to disable Directory Based Edge Blocking (DBEB) in Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection (EOP). See Use Directory Based Edge Blocking to reject messages sent to invalid recipients for more information.
If the name of a public folder contains a backslash ( \ ) or a forward slash ( / ), the public folders might be created in the parent public folder when migration occurs. Before you migrate, we recommend that you rename any public folders that have a backslash or a forward slash in the name.
In Exchange 2010, to locate public folders that have a backslash in the name, run the following command:
If any public folders are returned, you can rename them by running the following command:
Set-PublicFolder -Identity <public folder identity> -Name <new public folder name>
Make sure there isn't a previous record of a successful migration. If there is, you need to set that value to $false. Otherwise, the migration request will fail.
The following example checks the public folder migration status.
This step is required only if you're re-attempting a migration that failed previously.
If the status of the PublicFoldersLockedforMigration or PublicFolderMigrationComplete properties is $true, run the following command to set the value to $false.
After resetting these properties, you need to wait for Exchange to detect the new settings. This result might take up to two hours to complete.
For verification purposes at the end of migration, we recommend that you first run the following Exchange Management Shell commands on the legacy Exchange server to take snapshots of your current public folder deployment.
Run the following command to take a snapshot of the original source folder structure.
Save the information from the preceding commands for comparison at the end of the migration.
If you're using Microsoft Entra Connect (Microsoft Entra Connect) to synchronize your on-premises directories with Microsoft Entra ID, you need to do the following (if you aren't using Microsoft Entra Connect, you can skip this step):
On an on-premises computer, open Microsoft Entra Connect, and then select Configure.
On the Additional tasks screen, select Customize synchronization options, and then select Next.
On the Connect to Microsoft Entra ID screen, enter the appropriate credentials, and then select Next. Once connected, keep selecting Next until you are on the Optional Features screen.
Make sure that Exchange Mail Public Folders isn't selected. If it isn't selected, you can continue to the next section. If it's selected, clear the check box, and then select Next.
If you don't see Exchange Mail Public Folders as an option on the Optional Features screen, you can exit Microsoft Entra Connect and proceed to the next section.
After you clear the Exchange Mail Public Folders selection, keep selecting Next until you're on the Ready to configure screen, and then select Configure.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the following articles:
Make sure there are no existing public folder migration requests. If there are, clear them or your own migration request will fail. This step isn't required in all cases; it's only required if you think there might be an existing migration request in the pipeline.
Before removing a migration request, it's important to understand why there was an existing one. The following commands determine when a previous request was made and helps you diagnose any problems that might have happened. You might need to communicate with other administrators in your organization to determine why the change was made.
The following example discovers any existing batch migration requests:
The following example removes any existing public folder batch migration requests.
$batch | Remove-MigrationBatch -Confirm:$false
Confirm that no public folders or public folder mailboxes exist in the cloud.
If you see public folders in the cloud, it's important to determine why they're there, and who started a public folder hierarchy before you remove the public folders and public folder mailboxes.
In Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following command to see if any public folders mailboxes exist:
Get-Mailbox -PublicFolder
If the command didn't return any public folder mailboxes, continue to Step 3: Generate the .csv files. If the command returned any public folders mailboxes, run the following command to see if any public folders exist:
If you have any public folders in the cloud, run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell to remove them. Make sure you saved any information that was in the cloud-based public folders.
All information contained in the public folders is permanently deleted when you remove the public folders.
On the legacy Exchange server, run the Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 script to create the folder name-to-folder size mapping file. A local administrator needs to run this script. The file contains two columns: FolderName and FolderSize. The FolderSize column is displayed in bytes. For example, \PublicFolder01,10000.
.\Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 <Folder to size map path> <FQDN of source server>
FQDN of source server equals the fully qualified domain name of the Mailbox server where the public folder hierarchy is hosted.
Folder to size map path equals the file name and path on a network shared folder where you want the .csv file saved. Later in this article, you need to use the Exchange Online PowerShell to access this file. If you specify only the file name, the file is generated in the current PowerShell directory on the local computer.
If necessary, remove any mail-enabled system folders from the script output before proceeding.
Run the PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 script to create the public folder-to-mailbox mapping file. This file is used to calculate the correct number of public folder mailboxes in Exchange Online.
.\PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 <Maximum mailbox size in bytes> <Folder to size map path> <Folder to mailbox map path>
Before you run the script, use the following command to check the current public folder limits in your Exchange Online tenant. Then, note the current quota values for public folders.
Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List *quota*
In Exchange Online, the default value is 1.7 GB for DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota and 2 GB for DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota.
Maximum mailbox size in bytes equals the maximum size that you want to set for the new public folder mailboxes. In Exchange Online, the maximum size of public folder mailboxes is 100 GB. We recommend that you use a setting of 75 GB so that each public folder mailbox has room to grow. Fewer public folder mailboxes mean fewer connections for the Outlook clients, which might help to avoid performance issues. The location is transparent for users, as they see the same hierarchy on the client side.
Exchange Online has a default public folder "prohibit post" quota of 2 GB. If you have individual public folders that are larger than 2 GB, you can use any of the following options to fix this issue:
Before you start the migration batch, increase the default public folder "prohibit post" quota by running the following command:
Before you start the migration batch, delete public folder content to reduce the size of the content to 2 GB or less.
Before you start the migration batch, split the public folder into multiple public folders that are each 2 GB or less.
If the public folder is larger than 30 GB, and if it isn't feasible to delete content or split it into multiple public folders, we recommend that you don't move your public folders to Exchange Online.
Folder to size map path equals the file path of the .csv file that you created when you ran the Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 script.
Folder to mailbox map path equals the file name and path of the folder-to-mailbox .csv file that you create in this step. If you specify only the file name, the file is generated in the current PowerShell directory on the local computer.
After the scripts are run and the .csv files are generated, any new public folders or updates to existing public folders aren't collected.
Step 4: Create the public folder mailboxes in Exchange Online
Run the following command to create the target public folder mailboxes. The script creates a target mailbox for each mailbox in the .csv file that you generated previously in Step 3, by running the PublicFoldertoMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 script.
Mapping.csv is the file generated by the PublicFoldertoMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 script in Step 3. The estimated number of simultaneous user connections browsing a public folder hierarchy is usually less than the total number of users in an organization.
Once prompted, enter the credentials for your Microsoft 365 tenant administrator account.
On the legacy Exchange server, get the following information that's needed to run the migration request:
Find the LegacyExchangeDN of the user's account who is a member of the Public Folder Administrator role. This account is the same user whose credentials you need in step 3 of this procedure.
The account used must be mailbox enabled in the on-premises Exchange Server. Create a new on-premises mailbox for the Public Folder Administrator account if one doesn't exist there.
Find the FQDN of the Outlook Anywhere host name. If you have multiple instances of Outlook Anywhere, we recommend that you select the instance that is either closest to the migration endpoint or the one that is closest to the public folder replicas in the legacy Exchange organization. The following command finds all instances of Outlook Anywhere:
In Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following commands to pass the information that was returned in the previous step to variables that are used in the migration request.
Pass the credential of a user who has administrative permissions on the legacy Exchange server into the variable $Source_Credential. The migration request that's run in Exchange Online uses this credential to gain access to your legacy Exchange servers to copy the content over.
Use the ExchangeLegacyDN of the migration user on the legacy Exchange server that you found in step 2a and pass it into the variable $Source_RemoteMailboxLegacyDN.
$Source_RemoteMailboxLegacyDN = "<paste the value here>"
Use the ExchangeLegacyDN of the public folder server that you found in step 2b above and pass it into the variable $Source_RemotePublicFolderServerLegacyDN.
$Source_RemotePublicFolderServerLegacyDN = "<paste the value here>"
Use the External Host Name of Outlook Anywhere that you found in step 2c above and pass it into the variable $Source_OutlookAnywhereExternalHostName.
$Source_OutlookAnywhereExternalHostName = "<paste the value here>"
Finally, in Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following commands to create the migration request.
The authentication method in the following example needs to match your Outlook Anywhere settings. Otherwise, the command will fail.
You might notice the above command failing with the error "Cannot find a recipient that has mailbox GUID" error, with the GUID mentioned of public folder mailbox in EXO. This issue can be caused by AD replication latency. Wait an hour and retry the command.
Start the migration using the following command:
Start-MigrationBatch PublicFolderMigration
While batch migrations need to be created using the New-MigrationBatch cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell, the progress and completion of the migration can be viewed and managed in the EAC. Because the New-MigrationBatch cmdlet initiates a mailbox migration request for each public folder mailbox, you can view the status of these requests using the mailbox migration page. You can get to the mailbox migration page, and create migration reports that can be emailed to you, by doing the following:
Log into Exchange Online and open the EAC.
Navigate to Mailbox > Migration.
Select the migration request that was just created, and then select View Details in the Details pane.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the following articles:
Step 6: Lock down the public folders on the legacy Exchange server for final migration (downtime required)
Up to this point in the migration, users can still access public folders. The next steps disconnect users from the legacy public folders and lock the folders while the migration completes final synchronization. Users can't access public folders during this process. Also, any mail sent to mail-enabled public folders is queued and isn't delivered until the public folder migration is complete.
The final sync might take substantial amount of time, depending on the changes made on the source environment, size of public folder deployment, server capacity, etc. Not cleaning up a large number of corrupt ACLs in the folder hierarchy before starting migration can cause a significant delay. We recommend that you plan for a minimum of 48 hours of downtime for the final sync to complete.
Ensure the migration batch and individual migration requests have successfully synced.
Run the following commands in Exchange Online PowerShell to get the details:
The LastSyncedDate (on migration batch) and LastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp (on individual jobs) should be within last seven days. If it's too far off, like older than a month or so, you might want to take a look at public folder migration requests and ensure all the requests were synced recently.
Once you have confirmed the batch and all migration requests have successfully synced, on the legacy Exchange server, run the following command to lock the legacy public folders for finalization.
If your organization has multiple public folder databases, you need to wait until public folder replication is complete to confirm that all public folder databases have picked up the PublicFoldersLockedForMigration flag and any pending changes users recently made to folders have converged across the organization. This processmight take several hours.
Step 7: Finalize the public folder migration (downtime required)
To complete the public folder migration, run the following command:
Complete-MigrationBatch PublicFolderMigration
After a migration batch is completed, no additional data can be synchornized from Exchange servers on-premises and Exchange Online.
When you complete the migration, Exchange performs a final synchronization between the legacy Exchange server and Exchange Online. If the final synchronization is successful, the public folders in Exchange Online are unlocked and the status of the migration batch changes to Completed. It's common for the status of migration batch to remain on "Synced" for few hours before it switches to Completing. For migrations involving large number of target mailboxes, it's normal to see the status remain "Synced" state for more than 24 hours, provided none of underlying public folder migration requests have failed or were quarantined.
If you configured a hybrid deployment between your on-premises Exchange servers and Microsoft 365 or Office 365, you need to run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell after migration is complete:
Set-OrganizationConfig -RemotePublicFolderMailboxes $Null -PublicFoldersEnabled Local
Step 8: Test and unlock the public folder migration
After you finalize the public folder migration, you should run the following test to make sure that the migration was successful. This allows you to test the migrated public folder hierarchy before you switch to using public folders in the cloud.
In Exchange Online PowerShell, assign some test mailboxes to use any newly migrated public folder mailbox as the default public folder mailbox.
Sign in Outlook 2010 or later with the test user identified in the previous step, and then perform the following public folder tests:
View the hierarchy.
Check permissions.
Create and delete public folders.
Post content to and delete content from a public folder.
If you run into any issues, see Roll back the migration later in this article. If the public folder content and hierarchy is acceptable and functions as expected, continue to the next step.
On the legacy Exchange server, run the following command to indicate that the public folder migration is complete:
After you verify that migration is complete, run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell to make sure that the PublicFoldersEnabled parameter on Set-OrganizationConfig is set to Local:
Set-OrganizationConfig -PublicFoldersEnabled Local
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the following articles:
In Step 2: Prepare for the migration, you were instructed to take snapshots of the public folder structure, statistics, and permissions before the migration began. The following steps help verify that your public folder migration was successful by taking the same snapshots after the migration is complete. You can then compare the data in both files to verify success.
In Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following command to take a snapshot of the new folder structure.
Remove public folder databases from the legacy Exchange servers
After the migration is complete, and you have verified that your Exchange Online public folders are working as expected, you should remove the public folder databases on the legacy Exchange servers.
Since all of your mailboxes were migrated to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 before the public folder migration, we strongly recommend that you route the traffic through Microsoft 365 or Office 365 (decentralized mail flow) instead of centralized mail flow through your on-premises environment. Choosing to keep mail flow centralized could cause delivery issues to your public folders, since you removed public folder mailbox databases from your on-premises organization.
If you run into issues with the migration and need to reactivate your legacy Exchange public folders, perform the following steps.
If you roll your migration back to the legacy Exchange servers, you lose any email that was sent to mail-enabled public folders or content that was posted to public folders after the migration. To save this content, you need to export the public folder content to a .pst file and then import it to the legacy public folders when the rollback is complete.
On the legacy Exchange server, run the following command to unlock the legacy Exchange public folders. This process might take several hours.
Migrate Public Folders to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 by using Outlook PST export
We recommend that you don't use Outlook's PST export feature to migrate public folders to the cloud if your on-premises public folder hierarchy is greater than 30 GB. Microsoft 365 and Office 365 online public folder mailbox growth is managed using an auto-split feature that splits the public folder mailbox when it exceeds size quotas. Auto-split can't handle the sudden growth of public folder mailboxes when you use PST export to migrate your public folders and you might have to wait for up to two weeks for auto-split to move the data from the primary mailbox. In addition, consider the following before using Outlook PST to export public folders to the cloud:
Public folder permissions are lost during this process. Capture the current permissions before migration and manually add them back once the migration is completed.
If you use complex permissions or have many folders to migrate, we recommend that you use the cmdlet method for migration.
Any item and folder changes made to the source public folders during the PST export migration are lost. Therefore, we recommend that you use the cmdlet method if this export and import process takes a long time to complete.
If you still want to migrate your public folders by using PST files, follow these steps to ensure a successful migration.
Use the instructions in Step 1: Download the migration scripts to download the migration scripts. You only need to download the PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 file.
Follow step 2 of Step 3: Generate the .csv files to create the public folder-to-mailbox mapping file. This file is used to calculate the correct number of public folder mailboxes in Exchange Online.
Create the public folder mailboxes that you need based on the mapping file. For more information, see Create a public folder mailbox.
Use the New-PublicFolder cmdlet to create the top-most public folder in each of the public folder mailboxes by using the Mailbox parameter.
If you already started a PST migration and run into an issue where the primary mailbox is full, you have two options for recovering the PST migration:
Wait for the auto-split to move the data from the primary mailbox. This process might take up to two weeks. However, all the public folders in a completely filled public folder mailbox can't receive new content until the auto-split completes.
Create a public folder mailbox and then use the New-PublicFolder cmdlet with the Mailbox parameter to create the remaining public folders in the secondary public folder mailbox.
Troubleshoot public folder migrations
Select the following button for common issues during public folder migration:
This module examines the Microsoft Entra Connect Sync and Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync installation requirements, the options for installing and configuring the tools, and how to monitor synchronization services using Microsoft Entra Connect Health.