Errors and Events Reference (Integration Services)

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

This section of the documentation contains information about several errors and events related to Integration Services. Cause and resolution information is included for error messages.

For more information about Integration Services error messages, including a list of most Integration Services errors and their descriptions, see Integration Services Error and Message Reference. However, the list currently does not include troubleshooting information.


Many of the error messages that you may see when you are working with Integration Services come from other components. These may include OLE DB providers, other database components such as the Database Engine and Analysis Services , or other services or components such as the file system, the SMTP server, or Microsoft Message Queueing. To find information about these external error messages, see the documentation specific to the component.

Error Messages

Symbolic name of error Description
DTS_E_CACHELOADEDFROMFILE Indicates that the package cannot run because a Cache Transform transformation is trying to write data to the in-memory cache. However, a Cache connection manager has already loaded a cache file into the in-memory cache.
DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER Indicates that the package cannot run because a specified connection failed.
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTBETWEENUNICODEANDNONUNICODESTRINGCOLUMN Indicates that a data flow component is trying to pass Unicode string data to another component that expects non-Unicode string data in the corresponding column, or vice versa.
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTBETWEENUNICODEANDNONUNICODESTRINGCOLUMNS Indicates that a data flow component is trying to pass Unicode string data to another component that expects non-Unicode string data in the corresponding column, or vice versa.
DTS_E_CANTINSERTCOLUMNTYPE Indicates that the column cannot be added to the database table because the conversion between the Integration Services column data type and the database column data type is not supported.
DTS_E_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND Indicates that the package cannot run because the specified connection manager cannot be found.
DTS_E_CONNECTIONREQUIREDFORMETADATA Indicates that SSIS Designer must connect to a data source to retrieve new or updated metadata for a source or destination, and that it is unable to connect to the data source.
DTS_E_MULTIPLECACHEWRITES Indicates that the package cannot run because a Cache Transform transformation is trying to write data to the in-memory cache. However, another Cache Transform transformation has already written to the in-memory cache.
DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW Indicates that the package cannot run because the appropriate version of SQL Server Integration Services is not installed.
DTS_E_READNOTFILLEDCACHE Indicates that a Lookup transformation is trying to read data from the in-memory cache at the same time that a Cache Transform transformation is writing data to the cache.
DTS_E_UNPROTECTXMLFAILED Indicates that the system did not decrypt a protected XML node.
DTS_E_WRITEWHILECACHEINUSE Indicates that a Cache Transform transformation is trying to write data to the in-memory cache at the same time that a Lookup transformation is reading data from the in-memory cache.
DTS_W_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNSOUTOFSYNC Indicates that the column metadata in the data source does not match the column metadata in the source or destination component that is connected to the data source.

Events (SQLISPackage)

For more information, see Events Logged by an Integration Services Package.

Event Description
SQLISPackage_12288 Indicates that a package started.
SQLISPackage_12289 Indicates that a package has finished running successfully.
SQLISPACKAGE_12291 Indicates that a package was unable to finish running and has stopped.
SQLISPackage_12546 Indicates that a task or other executable in a package has finished its work.
SQLISPackage_12549 Indicates that a warning message was raised in a package.
SQLISPackage_12550 Indicates that an error message was raised in a package.
SQLISPackage_12551 Indicates that a package did not finish its work and stopped.
SQLISPackage_12557 Indicates that a package has finished running.

Events (SQLISService)

For more information, see Events Logged by the Integration Services Service.

Event Description
SQLISService_256 Indicates that the service is about to start.
SQLISService_257 Indicates that the service has started.
SQLISService_258 Indicates that the service is about to stop.
SQLISService_259 Indicates that the service has stopped.
SQLISService_260 Indicates that the service tried to start, but could not.
SQLISService_272 Indicates that the configuration file does not exist at the specified location.
SQLISService_273 Indicates that the configuration file could not be read or is not valid.
SQLISService_274 Indicates that the registry entry that contains the location of the configuration file does not exist or is empty.

See Also

Integration Services Error and Message Reference