Analysis Models

The Predictor resource builds analysis models from data. An analysis model is a set of statistical relationships based on known properties of past site users, their purchase history, click history, or other behavior. The model contains information about the types of users who visit your site, but it does not contain information about specific users. The detailed information used to create an analysis model is stored in the Commerce Server Data Warehouse, or in another data source.

You can use analysis models to perform implicit profiling and to target content to users:

  • Implicit profiling. If profile information about a user is missing - for example, the gender of a user - this information can be extrapolated by the analysis model based on the aggregate properties of the entire user population who visits your site.
  • Targeting content. You can use analysis models to add predictive capabilities to your Web site. For example, you might want to present users with a ranked list of recommendations for products in your catalog or to display advertisements that might be of interest. You can also view analysis models to analyze the characteristics of the users visiting your site, discover relationships among the characteristics, and then target content to users who have similar characteristics.

Two types of analysis models are used in Commerce Server: Prediction models and Segment models.

See Also

Using Prediction in Web Site Management

Prediction Models

Segment Models

Creating Analysis Models

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