ListManager.Union Method (PIA)

Use this method to produce a union of two mailing lists, and to place the result in a third mailing list. A union is a combination of the two lists with any duplicates eliminated.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting
Public Sub Union(srcList As Object,
 addList As Object,
 resList As Object,
 errLimit As Integer,
 bAsync As Integer,
 Optional ByRef pvarOpID As Object)


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting;
public void Union(objectsrcList,
 int bAsync,
 ref objectpvarOpID);


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • srcList
    An Object that contains the ID or name of the source list.
  • addList
    An Object that contains the ID or name of the add list.
  • resList
    An Object that contains the ID or name of the list into which the results of the union operation will be placed.
  • errLimit
    An Integer that is not used.
  • bAsync
    An Integer that specifies whether the copy operation is performed synchronously or asynchronously. A value of 1 indicates asynchronous processing. A value of 0 indicates synchronous processing.
  • pvarOpID
    An optional Object used to return an Operation ID. This Operation ID is used in subsequent processing concerning this operation.


  • srcList
    An object that contains the ID or name of the source list.
  • addList
    An object that contains the ID or name of the add list.
  • resList
    An object that contains the ID or name of the list into which the results of the union operation will be placed.
  • errLimit
    An int that is not used.
  • bAsync
    An int that specifies whether the copy operation is performed synchronously or asynchronously. A value of 1 indicates asynchronous processing. A value of 0 indicates synchronous processing.
  • pvarOpID
    A reference to an object used to return an Operation ID. This Operation ID is used in subsequent processing concerning this operation.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.

[Visual Basic .NET]

The following table shows the custom COM errors that a COMException can wrap.

Value Description
&H8C400008 The specified list is currently busy with another operation.
&H8C40001D The specified list is in a FAILED state and may not be used for the operation.
&H8C400006 The specified list does not exist.
&H8C400011 The operation requires a Mailable list and the specified list is not a Mailable list.
&H8C40000B The operation was canceled.
&H8C400003 Error while executing SQL/ADO operation.
&H80040007 The ListManager object has not been properly initialized.


The following table shows the custom COM errors that a COMException can wrap.

Value Description
0x8C400008 The specified list is currently busy with another operation.
0x8C40001D The specified list is in a FAILED state and may not be used for the operation.
0x8C400006 The specified list does not exist.
0x8C400011 The operation requires a Mailable list and the specified list is not a Mailable list.
0x8C40000B The operation was canceled.
0x8C400003 Error while executing SQL/ADO operation.
0x80040007 The ListManager object has not been properly initialized.


The result list must exist prior to calling the method, however, any data in the list will be overwritten.

This method keys on the rcp_email column, and therefore both the source (srcList parameter) and add (addList parameter) lists must be Mailable lists (LISTFLAG_MAILABLE set to True). All the records from the source list are copied to the result (resList parameter) list. All records from the add list that do not have duplicate e-mail addresses (rcp_email)**in the source list are also copied to the result list. Any existing data in the result list is deleted.

The parameter pvarOpID contains valid data only if the union operation is performed asynchronously.

[Visual Basic .NET]


oListManager.Union ("{2B544800-4169-4C49-8713-1B794078B4C9}", _
 "{454799A2-312B-4F5F-90A0-F514FBA0EC5A}", _
 "{7131B794-5448-078B-B544-799A2311B79A}", 10, 0)


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: listmanagerlib (in listmanagerlib.dll)

See Also

ListManager Class

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All rights reserved.