MtsPipeline Object


Use this object to execute a non-transacted Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 pipeline. The pipeline may be an Order Processing pipeline (OPP).

ProgID:   Commerce.MtsPipeline (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CMtsPipeline
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Order Pipeline Type Library
DLL Name:   pipeline.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

The methods of the MtsPipeline object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
Execute Runs the components in the pipeline.
LoadPipe Loads a pipeline configuration file (.pcf) into the pipeline.
SetLogFile Identifies the file in which to log pipeline events.


The MtsPipeline object is registered under Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) as "transactions not supported." Use this pipeline where transactions are not needed. For more information about transactions and pipelines, see Pipeline Basics.

The MtsPipeline is usually created on each page in which it is used.

The MtsPipeline is not a pooled pipeline. For more information about pooled pipelines, see About Pooled Pipelines.

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