
The classes in the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders namespace contain the order processing functionality for the Commerce Server .NET Application Framework.

Namespace hierarchy

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders Namespace Object Model

 Depicts the object model for the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders namespace.


Class Description
Basket Encapsulates a basket in the Commerce Server order system. The user ID must be specified to create an instance of this class.
CommerceOrderModule Creates the default OrderContext object for the site.
CommerceOrderSystemException Base class for exceptions thrown from order system subsystem.
LineItem Abstracts a line item on an order form.
LineItemCollection Encapsulates the collection of line items associated with the order form.
OrderAddress Abstracts an element of the order address collection.
OrderAddressCollection Collection of addresses associated with an order form.
OrderContext Represents a connection to a transactions database. The construction of an OrderGroup object requires an OrderContext object.
OrderForm Encapsulates an order form instance.
OrderFormCollection Encapsulates the collection of order forms on an OrderGroup object.
OrderGroup Abstract base class for all OrderGroup object types in the Commerce Server order system.
OrderGroupSearch Abstracts the criteria for order group searches.
OrderGroupSearchOptions Abstracts OrderGroup object search results specification.
OrderTemplate Encapsulates an order template in the Commerce Server order system. The user ID and template ID must be specified to create an instance of this class.
PipelineInfo Encapsulates the context dictionary passed down to run a pipeline.
PurchaseOrder Encapsulates a saved order in the Commerce Server order system. The user ID and the order ID must both be specified to create an instance of this class.


Structure Description
EuroConversionTable Specifies conversion rates from all 12 European currencies to EURO.


Example Description
Code to Manipulate a Basket on an ASP.NET Web Form Describes how to manipulate a basket on an ASP.NET Web form.
Code to Set Shipping Methods on a Basket on an ASP.NET Web Form Describes how to set shipping methods on a basket.
Code to Dump an Order Form Describes how to dump the contents of an order form.

See Also

Commerce Server .NET Application Framework Tutorial

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