Business Desk Utilities

An important aspect of the Commerce Server Business Desk Framework is the set of constants, global variables, and utility routines that provide an extensive base of shared code used by the modules that ship with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000, and which are intended for use by third party developers of new modules.

This shared code is made available to Business Desk modules in the form of include files, specified in the action pages for a module. Depending on the nature of the action page, such as whether it contains client-side script or server-side script, or both, different include files are appropriate for inclusion.

The details of the constants, global variables, and utility routines in the various include files are provided in the Business Desk Reference, in the following sections:

  • Include Files. Describes the include files that define the constants, global variables, and utility routines that constitute much of the Business Desk Framework. Explains when to include and when to not include each of these files.

  • Constants. Describes the constants defined in the various Business Desk include files. Defines which constants are available in client-side versus server-side script.

  • Global Variables. Describes the global variables defined in the various Business Desk include files. Defines which global variables are available in client-side versus server-side script.

  • Utility Routines. Describes the routines defined in the various Business Desk include files. Defines which routines are available in client-side versus server-side script.

    Many of the utility routines are shown in the following list, organized according to their intended use.

Action Page Routines:
ClearStatusText (client-side)
dGetAction (server-side)
HideStatusAnimation (client-side)
HideStatusLegend (client-side)
HideWaitDisplay (client-side)
List Page Routines:
HideFindBy (client-side)
InsertTaskBar (server-side)
SetFindByHeight (client-side)
Edit Page Routines:
InsertEditTaskBar (server-side)
OpenEditPage (client-side)
ResetSaveBtns (client-side)
Task Button Routines:
DisableTask (client-side)
DisableTaskMenuItem (client-side)
elGetTaskBtn (client-side)
EnableAllTaskMenuItems (client-side)
EnableAllTasks (client-side)
General Utility Routines:
AddClass (client-side)
BDHALsizeButtons (server-side)
BDHALsizeSelects (server-side)
bHasClass (client-side)
bIsDate (client-side)
dtGetDate (client-side)
GetSiteConfigField (server-side)
nGetDay (client-side)
nGetMonth (client-side)
State Saving Routines:
ClearTemp (client-side)
dClearServerState (client-side)
dGetServerState (client-side)
Data Retrieval Routines:
oGetADOCommand (server-side)
oGetADOConnection (server-side)
rsGetRecordset (server-side)
XML Conversion Routines:
dDictFromXML (client-side)
dDictFromXML (server-side)
sMergeGroups2 (client-side)
sMergeGroups2 (server-side)
sMergeGroups3 (client-side)
sMergeGroups3 (server-side)
xmlGetXMLFromRS (server-side)
xmlGetXMLFromRSEx (server-side)
XML DOM Helper Routines:
AddCDATANode (client-side)
AddCDATANode (server-side)
AddErrorNode (server-side)
AddItemNode (client-side)
XMLHTTP Routines:
dGetRequestXMLAsDict (server-side)
xmlGetRequestXML (server-side)
Error Routines:
SetError (server-side)
sGetADOError (server-side)
sGetASPError (server-side)
sGetErrorById (server-side)
sGetScriptError (client-side)

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