Rebuilding an Analysis Model

Rebuilding an analysis model is necessary when one of two events occurs: the current model data file is corrupt or the data used to build the model has changed substantially since the last model build.

To rebuild an analysis model

  1. Expand Commerce Server Manager, expand Global Resources, expand Predictor on <server name>, expand the second Predictor on <server name>, and then click Models.

  2. In the details screen, right-click the model you want rebuild, and then click Rebuild.

  3. In the Model Build Properties dialog box, click Next to accept the model information you previously entered.

  4. In the Model Build Properties dialog box, click Finish to accept the model information you previously entered.

The analysis model starts building, showing the build status on the details screen as Running. After the model is built, the build status changes to Idle.

See Also

Building a New Analysis Model

Viewing Analysis Models

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