
The following table lists and describes the classes contained in the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop namespace.

Class Description
CacheManager Provides generic caching services.
ContentList Contains a representation of each content item eligible for a given request for content. Also provides services to Content Selection Framework (CSF) components such as filtering and sorting.
ContentListFactory Allows creation of ContentList objects, and stores data shared by those objects.
ContentListSchema Allows manipulation of the schema for a ContentListFactory object.
LRUCache Provides a least recently used (LRU) cache for the CacheManager object. It stores a limited number of entries and sorts them according to the least recently used element.
RowCollection Allows enumeration of the rows returned from the ActiveRows and AllRows properties, and the Search method, of a ContentList object, and from the AllRows property and the Search method of a ContentListFactory object.

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